Mechanical Engineering

This is the Department of Mechanical Engineering safety resources page. You will find department safety policies and requirements.

This page will provide you with details on training required to gain access to mechanical engineering laboratories.


  • General Safety Orientation

The department offers a general orientation to safety. This seminar is required for all students who have access (i.e., keys) to the Mechanical Engineering Building or NINT building. Seminars are offered in September. Please contact Albert Vette if you missed this seminar.

  • Laboratory Specific Safety Orientation

Lab-specific safety training/orientation is offered by the principal investigator (PI) of the research project or his/her designated supervisor. This orientation covers general safety information, locations of safety equipment, and safe operating procedures for the lab. Once this orientation is complete, the PI (or designate) along with the student will sign-off on a training record form to document this.


You must log in to the to request a key for your laboratory. Fill out the form as an applicant, and identify your supervisor (Principle Investigator) for that laboratory. Once your supervisor approves your application, and you have submitted all the required training certificates, you can pick up the key from the reception on 10th Floor Donadeo Innovation Center for Engineering.