Photonics and Plasmas

Our photonics and plasma professors conduct innovative and internationally renowned research activities in photonics, lasers, optics, and plasmas, ranging from nanoscale optical engineering to laser fusion energy. They leverage cutting-edge resources such as state-of-the-art, high-power lasers, photonics technology, and nanotechnology fabrication tools. These resources are readily available in our ultrafast laser facilities and the on-campus NanoFabrication facility, providing hands-on experience for aspiring researchers and attracting many industrial partners.

Students contribute to groundbreaking research at the intersection of light-based technologies and real-world applications, enriching their academic journey with hands-on experiences that transcend traditional boundaries and foster innovation in photonics and plasma research.

Current photonics research:

  • nanoplasmonics
  • spinplasmonics
  • nanophotonics
  • THz photonics
  • laser technology
  • integrated optics
  • ultrafast and nonlinear photonics
  • bio-photonics and bio-imaging technologies
  • laser material interactions
  • laser micro/nano-machining and laser deposition
  • opto-microfluidics
  • electro-magneto-optics
  • environmental sensing

Current plasmas research:

  • laser-plasma interactions
  • X-ray and high energy particle generation and applications
  • laser fusion energy
  • space plasmas

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