
Detailed information on exam guidelines and schedules is available at Registrar’s Office - Examinations & Scheduling.

Final Exam Deferrals

Students who have missed a final exam and qualify for a deferred exam according to the  should submit a request within two business days of the missed final exam, or as soon as they are reasonably able to do so. Note that students cannot apply for a deferral until the exam has ended.

If you would like to apply for a deferral, please complete the form at the link below. You must be signed in to your ualberta.ca email in order to access the form. The deferred exam request form is also available in our Forms Cabinet.

For missed midterm exams, students must contact their instructor(s).

Applying for a Reexamination

Undergraduate students who have written and submitted a final examination for an Engineering course may be considered for a reexamination provided the following conditions are met: 

  • The course was failed.
  • The final examination is 40% or greater, as originally scheduled for the class as a whole.
  • For a Fall Term course, the student achieved a Term Grade Point Average of 2.0 inclusive of the failed course.
  • For Winter Term and Fall/Winter courses, a Fall/Winter GPA of 2.0 inclusive of the failed course.
  • Important: Please be aware that there is a fee for reexaminations, payable through Bear Tracks. Payment of the required fee will normally be made at the time of approval of the application but must be made no later than two weeks after approval.

Reexaminations are not permitted for students who were granted a deferred final examination in accordance with but did not write. More information about reexaminations can be found in the .

If you are requesting a reexam and it is not an Engineering course (e.g. Math, Chemistry, History), you need to contact the Faculty that offers the course to submit an application. Requests must be submitted within 10 business days of the grades being posted.

Midterm and Final Exam Conflicts with Regularly Scheduled Classes

Per the University Calendar:

"...Students have the right to attend regularly scheduled class activities. Therefore, if a student has a conflict between a regularly scheduled class and a scheduled term examination, the instructor of the class in which there was a scheduled term examination will be required to make an accommodation for the student."

Questions can be emailed to Engineering Student Services at enggadvising@ualberta.ca

Resolving Technical Issues During Online Assessments & Exams

If you experience technical issues during your exam, you will need to document the issues (video evidence and/or screen captures are recommended) and contact your instructor as soon as possible.

For recommended steps in the event of a technical issue, please consult the Guidelines for Resolving Technical Issues During Online Assessments & Exams.

Visit the Student FAQs for Remote Delivery Exams on the Academic Success Centre website for additional information.

Exam Accommodations

Information on exam accommodations for students and instructors can be found on the Academic Success Centre website.


What if I have two exams scheduled at the same time?
If you end up having two exams scheduled at the same time (or with overlapping times) due to a time zone accommodation you will need to notify both instructors, and they will work out a solution between them. If you are not provided with a reasonable resolution, please let us know so we can facilitate. In general, a deferred exam is not an appropriate solution for a scheduling conflict. If you have an exam conflict that is showing on your exam schedule in Bear Tracks, you should have already heard from one of your instructors with a new writing time for one of the exams. If you have not yet received a new exam time from one of your instructors, please contact us for assistance at enggadvising@ualberta.ca.
What if my internet connectivity may impact the completion of the exam?
If you have been experiencing technical difficulties throughout the term, please notify your instructor as soon as possible so they can work to resolve the issues prior to your exam. If you experience a loss of connection during the exam, please notify your instructor as soon as possible (ideally immediately). Your instructor will provide their contact information during the exam time. If allowed, document any technical issues by taking a screenshot or photo. Frequently Asked Questions addressing common issues students may experience in remote exams can be found here.
What if I miss my final exam?

You may be eligible to apply to write a deferred exam. The rules for eligibility are described in the University Calendar: A student who has missed a final exam because of incapacitating mental and/or physical illness, severe domestic affliction or for circumstances as described in the University's Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to Accommodate Policy (including religious belief) may apply for a deferred exam. To apply for a deferred exam, please see the ‘Final Exam Deferrals’ section above and fill out the Exam Deferral Form within two business days after the exam. 

We, along with the rest of the º£½ÇÉçÇø community, are here for you every step of the way. If you are facing other challenges this term, know that it’s okay to say so. Please contact us at enggadvising@ualberta.ca and let us know, or reach out to the Office of the Dean of Students to be connected with their academic and/or wellness services.
What is the calculator policy?
The Faculty of Engineering has adopted a policy for undergraduate courses whereby only certain makes and models of calculators are allowed in midterm and final examinations. Please double check your course syllabus and with your instructor for the examination calculator policy. If a calculator is permitted, then the calculator taken into an examination must have a sticker identifying it as an acceptable programmable calculator (green sticker) or non-programmable calculator (gold sticker).Calculators purchased elsewhere can be brought to the Student Services Office located at 2-300 Donadeo Innovation Centre for Engineering where the appropriate sticker will be affixed to the calculator. For more information, please visit the Calculator Use and Specifications webpage.
Last Updated: July 24, 2024