Qualifying Year

What is a Qualifying year? Engineering students are admitted to a common first year of core courses. After completion of this year, students are placed into a program/discipline* in a competitive process.

For more information, visit our Program Placements page.

* The terms Program and Discipline are often used interchangeably when referring to Faculty of Engineering programs of study.

Qualifying year to Program Placement Timeline

September - March

Students learn about the different programs by attending ENGG 100 and the First-Year Night Sessions.

March 1 - April 30

Students complete the Program Selection Form by ranking all programs.

June 1 - 15

The Program Selection Form re-opens to allow students an opportunity to update their selections.

Early July

Students are notified about program placement decisions.


Program registration opens. Students will see a hold in Bear Tracks and My Schedule Builder until the official registration date, providing all students equal access to registration.

More information will be added here as it becomes available: please check back regularly for updates.