New Amazon Business Prime Catalogue in SupplyNet

6 February 2023

On Feb. 21, Finance, Procurement and Planning will launch a new Amazon Business Prime Catalogue in SupplyNet, available to all faculty and staff with SupplyNet access.

Amazon Business Prime will be available as a Catalogue to be used to purchase products that are not available from our Preferred Suppliers.

The Amazon Prime Business Catalogue is free to all SupplyNet requesters. There is no need to pay Personal or Business Amazon Prime membership fees for business purchasing!

Other Amazon Business Prime Catalogue benefits include:

  • Free 2-Day shipping on Prime-eligible items
  • Simplified Buying Process for products that are not available from our Preferred Suppliers
  • Access to millions of products and business discounts, available only to Amazon Business customers
  • Dedicated Amazon Business Customer Service

For more information, an Amazon Business Prime Information Session will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023. The session runs from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. A recording of the session will be posted to the website the following day.