Alcohol Events

The 海角社区 holds various classes of liquor license in facilities across five campuses, including sports facilities, theatres, recreational facilities, conference centres, meeting rooms, and numerous academic spaces.

To ensure compliance with its license and maintain a safe, comfortable and secure campus environment, the university is responsible for managing all aspects of liquor service, including approval of special events with alcohol organized by departments, faculties, administrative units and registered student groups.

海角社区 groups

Apply for 海角社区 alcohol events on or off campus

海角社区 groups must apply for permission to hold an event involving alcohol in the name of the 海角社区 at either an on-campus or off-campus location.

More information about event requirements is available on the Policy & Procedures page. enforces strict rules in Alberta about advertising an alcohol event; it is important for event organizers to be aware of them.

AGLC developed the to ensure liquor is not sold or provide to minors. This policy stipulates that licensee staff are required to ask for proof of age whenever a person who appears to be under 25 years of age attempts to purchase liquor or enter a licensed premises where minors are prohibited.

How to apply


Staff can apply online for permission for an alcohol event for their department, faculty, or administrative unit.

Please apply at least 10 business days prior to the scheduled event.

Registered Student Groups

Registered student groups (including graduate student associations) that wish to organize an alcohol event need appropriate training and must apply through for event approval at least 15 full business days prior to the scheduled event.

Please see the Current Students website or contact the Student Event Risk Management Coordinator for more information.


Key considerations for hosting an event with alcohol

  • Risk and Insurance must be advised if an external party is providing alcohol service, and the external party must apply to the AGLC for a special event alcohol permit.
  • All intended event plans must meet occupancy load/fire code requirements.
  • You must ID everyone under 25. AGLC developed the to ensure liquor is not sold or provided to minors. This policy stipulates that licensee staff are required to ask for proof of age whenever a person who appears to be under 25 years of age attempts to purchase liquor or enter a licensed premises where minors are prohibited.
  • Replace the university’s liquor license signage with the special event alcohol permit (posted near the alcohol service area) in advance of the function. Return the university’s license to its place once the function has ended.
  • If catering is secured, they must provide a certificate of insurance with a minimum $2 million general liability limit with the Governors of the 海角社区 added as an additional insured in advance of the function.

Off-campus events

The requires groups to apply for permission to organize or host any alcohol event in the name of the 海角社区, even when the event is held off campus at licensed locations such as hotels, bars, or restaurants. To apply for permission, please review the relevant policies and procedures and then fill out the appropriate staff or student application.

External groups

Outside groups planning an event on a 海角社区 campus may need to provide their own Special Event License and insurance. Please view resources here for more information about hosting an alcohol event on campus.

More information about the 海角社区's alcohol policy is available on the .


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