Awareness & Education
The 海角社区 guidelines for staff events or for student group events are designed to reduce risk related to alcohol service at university events but it is also important for individuals to be aware that consuming alcohol always entails potential risk to personal health and safety. Resources such as , Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis's , and can help individuals learn about reducing the risk of harm.
High risk activities that promote over-consumption, such as drinking games and events involving trips to more than one bar (i.e. bar-hopping or pub crawls), are not allowed at 海角社区 events. Event organizers must ensure that non-alcoholic beverages and food are available throughout the event. Non-alcoholic beverages should be provided free of charge to designated drivers, and event planners should be ready to provide patrons with information about and options from the event venue. The Alberta Gaming & Liquor Commission's is another resource to share with patrons to encourage safer events.
Venue managers and event planners are also encouraged to download and post them during alcohol events to let guests know that it is the legal responsibility of servers to check for valid ID and to refuse to serve intoxicated patrons.
Responsible Service
Servers must ask for and check the identification of anyone who looks under the age of 25.
Canada's Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines
Download the guidelines to know your limit and for safer drinking tips.
Visit the DrinkSense site to learn about drinking limits and how to stay within them.
Take the AGLC's Dry9 pledge for a dry and safe pregnancy.
It's the Law
Post these at your next event to remind your guests to drink responsibly.