Travel Expense Claims
Incurring a travel expense
Book your trip using processes and the approved purchase method (, , , etc). Using incorrect procurement methods, such as personal credit cards, may result in reimbursement delays (especially during peak travel times), interest charges and even your claim being denied.
Submit your claims early to ensure they are processed and reimbursed faster.
How to submit a travel expense claim
- You will need the speed code(s) for each expense and receipts/invoices (preferably PDF)
- Sign in to with your CCID and password
- Click on the Home icon at the top right-hand corner, then select Self-Service Centre > Travel and Expense Centre > Create Expense Report
- Select the claimant’s Employee ID and click Add
- Select the Travel template
- Enter the Expense Date
Note: This date will be applied to all expense lines but individual items can be changed within the claim - Select the applicable Expense Type(s) for your claim and click OK
Note: Additional expense lines and the expense dates can be added within the claim - Enter the Description as “Destination City, Month of Trip, Year”
(e.g. Halifax June 2022) - Select the Business Purpose from the drop down list
- Click *Accounting Defaults to apply a default speed code to all lines on the claim, then click OK
Note: The speed code can be changed on individual expense lines by clicking Accounting Details below the expense line
Note: If a speed code for research funds is entered, a pop up will appear requesting the claimant’s affiliation with the project and a description of the expense. - Enter the specific details of the trip in the Details field
(i.e. name/location of conference or meeting) - Click the Start Date and End Date calendar icons to select the first and last day of the trip
- Enter the name of the destination City/Country
(e.g. Halifax Canada) - Enter the TAP Number (Travel Authorization Payment form) used to book airfare, hotel or car rental with the University Travel Agent (if applicable)
Note: If airfare was pre-paid using the TAP process or additional travel expenses were prepaid using a PCard, include the amount on an expense line and check the Non Reimb box. - Click Attachments to upload receipts and supporting documents
(See: How to Attach Receipts to a Travel, Expense or PER Claim)
If no receipt is available check the frequently asked questions for what is considered valid proof of payment - For each expense line complete:
- Expense date (as shown on the receipt)
- Amount spent (including GST or tax)
- GST amount as per the receipt (if not auto-calculated in the claim). If HST was paid on the receipt, ensure only the 5% GST value is entered. If no GST was billed, Click the No GST box
- In the Description field enter a brief description of the expenses
(e.g. for Accommodation, enter hotel name and number of nights) - Check the Non Reimb box if the expense is NOT reimbursable
(e.g. airfare was pre-paid using the TAP form or other expenses were paid using a PCard) - To add lines to an expense report, click the + sign at the end of the expense line
- To apply Cash Advance(s) select View Cash Advance from the Actions drop down menu from the top right hand corner and click on Go
- Click Save for Later (top right hand corner). After saving you may return to the claim later.
- Click Summary and Submit
- Review the Save confirmation agreement and click the checkbox to confirm the claim is accurate and complete, then click Submit Expense Report.
- View the Expense Report Submit Confirm page and click OK to submit your report.
- You will see a confirmation message that your report has been submitted successfully.
- To exit PeopleSoft Financials, click on Actions icon from the top right corner of the browser window.
Approving a travel claim
Managers can approve a travel claim by following the steps on the Approving a Travel or Non-Travel Expense Claim webpage
Frequently asked questions
When submitting a travel claim, what supporting documentation do I need to include?
The following items need to be submitted along with your claim to avoid reimbursement delays.
For all claims
For all claims
- An itemized receipt or invoice showing:
- a detailed description of the goods/services
- payment in full and the method of payment, including the last 4 digits of a credit or debit card (if applicable)
- Airfare: a ticket receipt, including itinerary showing the fare class and invoice from the travel agent
- Accommodation: the detailed folio or invoice showing the dates, number of room nights and price per night.
- Vehicle rental: the rental agreement and receipt indicating the rental period (dates), the type of vehicle and breakdown of fees.
- Kilometre allowance for personal vehicle: a travel itinerary showing the business justification and a Google Maps printout with the route taken.
- Conferences, workshops and meetings: to support the business purpose, include a copy of the agenda or itinerary.
Can I attach a picture of a receipt from my phone or tablet?
A PDF of your receipt is preferred because not all image types can be opened by the approver or reviewers. We recommend that you ask the vendor or supplier to email you a PDF receipt wherever possible. Or, if you take a photo of a receipt with your phone, email it to yourself, open the image, click print and select Print to PDF in the printer options.
What is NOT acceptable as a receipt?
Debit or credit card slips, unless accompanied by an itemized cash register receipt or invoice. Credit card or bank statements, unless used to support foreign exchange fees along with an invoice or detailed receipt.
I paid in foreign currency. What documentation do I need to be reimbursed for exactly what was charged to my credit card?
An itemized cash receipt or invoice showing payment in full in the foreign currency and a copy of the credit card or bank statement showing exactly what was charged by the vendor, converted to CAD funds.
What documentation is required for hosting related expenses?
Attach a separate page listing of the guests and whether they are external or 海角社区 staff. If alcohol is included on the detailed receipt, indicate the cost of alcohol per person (not to exceed $25/person).
Do I need a receipt for meals when traveling?
No, you will claim the Allowance rate for meals for yourself and do not require a receipt. If you are hosting an external 海角社区 guest while traveling, keep the receipt and claim using the expense type “hospitality”.
Note: You cannot claim the same meal twice (i.e. as hospitality and as allowance)
Note: You cannot claim the same meal twice (i.e. as hospitality and as allowance)
What is the breakdown of meal allowance rates if I鈥檓 not claiming a full day?
When travelling in Canada or the USA, the individual meal allowance rates are: Breakfast $15, Lunch $15, Supper $30 (in Canadian or US dollars) plus $10 for Incidentals (if needed) for a total of $70 per day.
When travelling internationally (outside of North America), the individual meal allowance rates are: Breakfast $20, Lunch $20, Supper $45 (in Canadian dollars) plus $10 for Incidentals (if needed) for a total of $95 per day.
When travelling internationally (outside of North America), the individual meal allowance rates are: Breakfast $20, Lunch $20, Supper $45 (in Canadian dollars) plus $10 for Incidentals (if needed) for a total of $95 per day.
How do I claim the meal allowance for less than one full day?
The full day meal allowance for travel in Canada or the US is $70 per day. If the meal allowance for the full day is not needed, deduct the individual meal amount(s) and the incidental amount ($10) from $70.
Example: If you need to claim breakfast and lunch, deduct the supper meal (- $30) and the incidental amount (-$10) from the full day allowance of $70.
In your Travel Expense Claim, adjust the Allowance amount from $70 to $30 for breakfast & lunch: $70 - $30 - $10 = $30. In the expense line description field, indicate “breakfast & lunch”.
Example: If you need to claim breakfast and lunch, deduct the supper meal (- $30) and the incidental amount (-$10) from the full day allowance of $70.
In your Travel Expense Claim, adjust the Allowance amount from $70 to $30 for breakfast & lunch: $70 - $30 - $10 = $30. In the expense line description field, indicate “breakfast & lunch”.
The Incidentals expense type is missing from the drop-down list. Can I still claim it?
You may claim Incidental expenses (costs for things such as water, coffee, gum, newspapers, tips). The full day meal Allowance rates of $70 (in Canada/USA) and $90 (International) were increased from $60 & $80 to include the incidental rate. If you do not need to claim Incidental expenses, you may reduce the Allowance rate by $10. If you are claiming ONLY incidentals because all your meals were provided, select the Allowance expense type and adjust the dollar amount to $10.
I can鈥檛 find the expense type I want in the drop-down list on the claim.
Not all expense types are listed. In the claim, select the closest general expense type then enter a brief explanation of the expense in the description field.
When can I expect to be paid?
Travel, Expense and PER claims are paid on the Wednesday following approval of the claim.
Will my reimbursement be deposited to my bank account?
Yes, providing that you have set up your banking details on your default Bear Tracks profile and you are an active employee. If you are on unpaid leave, your payment may revert to cheque, so please also ensure that your home address in your profile is current.