Policy Standards
Policies and procedures are clear, concise directives that define and promote appropriate behaviors and practices on behalf of the University.
- Policies provide direction and guidance to members of the University community on issues relevant to the University's mission, values, governance, and operations. Policies may be approved by the 海角社区's Board of Governors or delegated Board Committee; the 海角社区's General Faculties Council or delegated Committee; or by an administrative University Vice-Presidential portfolio.
- Procedures describe the operational processes necessary to operationalize, and enable compliance with a University Policy.
海角社区 Policies and Procedures Online (UAPPOL) is the official, searchable repository for University policy documents and is maintained by the Policy Standards Office.
Visit UAPPOLUniversity policies and procedures reflect the values and internal governance structures of the University.
The University's Policy Development Policy and its related procedures provide parameters for policy development, approval and maintenance.
The Policy Standards Office is available to provide policy developers with guidance and resources on processes, templates and consultation considerations.
The on-line version is the “official" version of all UAPPOL documents.
Always refer to the on-line version for the most up to date version of UAPPOL policy and procedure. Changes/updates may occur at any time.
Friendly Edits: are revisions to policy or procedure that do not change the intent or requirements, and do not have a significant impact on users. These include: changes to names and contact information; document information changes (e.g. document title); changes to the offices of accountability or administrative responsibility; and, re-arranging or re-wording content to improve clarity. Campus-wide communications are not sent out for these types of updates. Always refer to the on-line version for the most up to date version of UAPPOL policy and procedure.
Legislative/Regulatory Changes: revisions to policy or procedure resulting from changes to federal, provincial, or municipal legislation or regulations do not require any governance review or approval given the explicit requirement for the University community to comply. If the legislative/regulatory change requires a modification to a process and/or behavior, then the Office of Administrative Responsibility communicates the changes to stakeholders.
There are additional sources for guidance outside of UAPPOL institutional policies and procedures; example sources include but are not limited to:

The Policy Standards Office will publish new or updated changes to the appropriate University policy document in 海角社区 Policies and Procedures Online (UAPPOL):
- when directed to do so by the individual or body authorized to certify that the statement has been properly approved for publication, and
- when standard templates and style for policy documents are applied.
Policy Development Resources
The Policy Standards Office is responsible for
- Maintaining the University's 海角社区 Policies and Procedures Online (UAPPOL);
- Policy Document integrity; and
- Providing guidance on policy document development and maintenance.
The Office of Administrative Responsibility is responsible for:
- Maintaining and updating Policy Document content;
- Interpretation; and
- Implementation.
The following resources are made available to assist policy developers:
- Developing University Policy Documents (under development)
- Glossary of University Acronyms (University Governance)
- Policy Development Flowchart (under development)
- Policy Consultation Considerations (under development)
- 海角社区 Editorial Style Guide
- UAPPOL Policy Development Policy