Mackenzie King Scholarships

The Mackenzie King Scholarships were established as an independent trust under the will of the late Rt Hon William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874 - 1950) and the trust is administered by a Board of Scholarship Trustees.

There are two types of scholarships offered: the Mackenzie King Open Scholarship and the Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship.


The Mackenzie King Open Scholarship is valued at $14,000 (subject to change). One scholarship is awarded annually.

The Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship is valued at $15,000 (subject to change). Four scholarships are awarded annually.


The Mackenzie King Open Scholarship is open to graduates (meaning holders of a degree) of any Canadian university who engage in (commence or continue) graduate study (master's or doctoral) in any field, in Canada or elsewhere.

The Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship is open to graduates (meaning holders of a degree) of any Canadian university who engage in (commence or continue) graduate study (master's or doctoral), in the United States or the United Kingdom, of international relations or industrial relations (including the international or industrial relations
aspects of law, history, politics and economics).

NOTE: A candidate may not hold a Mackenzie King Scholarship at the same time as other scholarships without the written approval of the Board of Scholarship Trustees. Please see the website for more information.
Application Procedures

Applications must be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) of an applicant's "home" university. This is the Canadian university from which an applicant most recently graduated or at which they are currently enrolled. Applicants may apply for both scholarships with a single application if the eligibility criteria are met for both scholarships.

Applicants who are applying through the 海角社区 are expected to review the information on this page as well as the information provided on the Mackenzie King website.

Students are to email their completed PDF application (excluding reference letters) and copies of official transcripts to GPS Award Services ( by February 3, 2025 by 4:00 PM

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must hold a degree from a Canadian university (undergraduate or graduate) as of the time that tenure of scholarship would begin ie by September 1, 2025. Please read through the FAQ’s on our web page before applying.

This competition is very competitive. Last year, the Mackenzie King Foundation received 83 nominations for the Open Scholarship and a dozen for the Travelling scholarships.

A complete application consists of:

1. The completed and signed application form (including attached sheets A and B as described on that form). The application form is available on the .

2. Three letters of reference from persons who have an intimate knowledge of your record and ability and are able to give a critical evaluation of your plans for graduate study. At least two of these testimonials must be from persons under whom you have taken your major work at university, or from senior colleagues with whom you have been associated in academic teaching or research.

Reference letters must be emailed directly to GPS, Award Services at by February 3, 2025. The email subject must clearly state 1.) the name of the student and 2.) "Mackenzie King Scholarship Application Reference Letter". Letters sent to students and subsequently forwarded to GPS will not be accepted.

3. Copies of up to date OFFICIAL transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies from all post-secondary institutions attended must be included in the application. This includes (but is not limited to):

A. An up to date official UAlberta transcript for all study at this university. Registered and newly admitted students must show current registration at the time of application.
  • Visit the Office of the Registrar's website: How to Request Official 海角社区 Transcripts. Either a scanned paper copy or e-Transcript are acceptable.
  • If ordering an e-Transcript, select the download PDF option for a “blue ribbon” PDF (the associated fee must be paid). Do not add a password or expiry date. Students need to share the link with themselves (choose the send a link option to their own email). By accessing the shared link (login through the link they are sent), they can then have the option to download it from there. Adobe9 or higher is required to view the e transcript.
  • To combine the e-Transcript with other transcripts, open it in a browser and print it to pdf (not download and save); students should be able to get unsecured PDF in order to combine with other documents.
  • The blue ribbon will be removed if combined with other transcripts and this is acceptable for uploading purposes to the portal; include the UofA Official Document Cover Page and Transcript Legend as this retains authenticity.
  • Students are to retain the original blue ribbon e-transcript as they could be asked to provide it for verification purposes.
  • Transcripts shared/sent to GPS’s email address or shared via the organization recipient option will not be accepted. 

*Contact the Office of the Registrar for questions or issues with e-Transcripts issued through MyCreds™ system.

B. All other Canadian and foreign transcripts (i.e. show all coursework and grades, and conferral of any degrees)

C. All transfer credit transcripts (even if they were transferred to this university)

D. All transcripts of incomplete work/non-degree study/qualifying years, etc. 

GPS will not provide copies of transcripts; students are to contact their Department if copies are required.
Adjudication Procedures

At both the institutional competition level, and at national competition level, selection will be based on high academic achievements (typically all A's or very nearly so), personal qualities, and demonstrated aptitudes. Consideration will also be given to the applicant's proposed program of study.

This year, GPS may forward the two top-ranked applications received for each of the scholarship competitions to the Mackenzie King Scholarships Board of Scholarship Trustees. GPS will notify all applicants of the results of the institutional competition.

Decisions in the national competition are usually announced by mid-September.


Deadline for students to submit the complete application (including an electronic copy of official transcripts) via email at Monday, February 3, 2025 by 4:00 PM

Note: All reference letters must be received, by email (, by Monday, February 3, 2025 by 4:00 PM for the application to be considered complete.