Graduate Coordinator Resources

Role of Graduate Coordinators
- The Role of the Graduate Coordinator (Graduate Program Manual, Section 1.4)
- GPS Presentation - Role of the Graduate Coordinator
(updated September 14, 2015)
Supporting Student Success
- Campus Resources to Assist Graduate Students
(updated December 22, 2015)
- Counselling and Clinical Services
- English Language Program - Faculty of Education
- HR - Information Sheet for Departments - Academic Employment of Graduate Students (AEGS)
- GPS Template Conversation Checklist for New Graduate Student
(updated March 13, 2019)
- GPS Applications for Readmission
(updated July 27, 2013)
- Graduate Students with Disabilities: Myths, Misperceptions and Resources
(updated May 6, 2016)
- Understanding Accessibility in Graduate Education for Students with Disabilities in Canada
(updated September 10, 2016)
- Graduate Student Mental Health and Wellness Report
(July 2018)
Professional Development Requirement
- IDP Review Guide
(Updated Mar. 2, 2017)
- The ABCs of the PD Requirement for Faculty and Staff (August 2017)
- (Google doc) (Updated February 2017)
GPS Reference Tools
- GPS Graduate Program Manual
- GPS Forms Cabinet
- GPS Graduate Student Services Advisors' and Associate Deans' Portfolios - Contact List
(updated July 27, 2023)
- GPS Checklist - Supervisory and Examination Committee Membership
(updated November 10, 2016)
- GPS Doctoral Candidacy and Final Exam Definitions and Decision Trees
(updated September 4, 2019)
- GPS Checklist - Drafting Offers of Funding for Graduate Studies
(updated December 22, 2015)
- GPS Guidance on Admission Standards and English Language Proficiency
(updated September 14, 2015)
Academic Standing + Discipline Issues
- Academic Discipline Process
- Code of Student Behaviour
- Research and Scholarship Integrity Policy
- GPS Note on Discipline Process
(updated September 14, 2015)
- GPS Note on Termination/Required to Withdraw Cases
(updated September 8, 2015)