Award Resources

Graduate awards, scholarships and prizes administered by GPS are managed by several important processes and regulations. This page contains valuable information for both graduate students who have applied for or received an award, as well as department/faculty nominators. 

Students and departments should refer to all of the resources below in order as application, nomination and award management processes vary by award.

Step 1: Read GPS’s Scholarships and Awards webpage

Review this first, as only a limited number of applications are available through the GSMS Portal in step 3. This webpage also includes external award info and memos for department-nominated awards.

Step 2: Refer to the Scholarships and Awards Manual (SAM)

Final award processes and regulations here, as this manual governs the majority of awards.

Step 3: Visit the  Awards Portal 

When you’re ready to apply or nominate, you can do so through this portal. Find the majority of department-nominated awards here.

Scholarships + Awards Manual

The Scholarships and Awards Manual (SAM) governs the majority of awards administered by GPS. This manual contains important procedures, regulations and information for award nominators and recipients including but not limited to: 

  • award definitions (“award” vs “scholarship”)
  • eligibility (registration statuses, research requirement, years in program, ineligible student categories)
  • acceptance or declination of awards
  • award payments
  • changes in a student’s status affecting their award
  • program completion

Award Resources for Students

For most award offers, you will receive an email notification to your 海角社区 account, as well as an intray message within the GSMS Awards portal. To access the portal, log in to the using your CCID and password.

The resources below can help you apply for, receive and manage your awards.

Award Resources for Nominators 

The GSMS Awards portal allows department and faculty nominators to search for awards, nominate students and review awards. Departments are to review procedures specific to each competition on GPS’s   Scholarships and Awards  webpage, as they include important details on GSMS nomination submission requirements or instructions for cases where nominations are not accepted via GSMS. 

Adjudicator Resources

The Graduate Scholarship Committee (GSC) is a standing committee of the GPS Council. The   Graduate Scholarship Committee Handbook  is intended as a primer for members of the GSC as well as GPS councillors and graduate program administrators. The Handbook contains information about the management of those scholarships administered by the GSC.

GPS Guide for Equitable Review of Scholarship Applications  (added October 12, 2021)

Report a Problem

If you experience any technical problems with the GSMS Awards portal, please contact IST directly by logging a ticket.