Health Spending Account

Your Health Spending Account (HSA) is used to pay for eligible expenses beyond those covered by the health and dental plans.

Your staff type and appointment determine how many credits are allocated to your HSA.

This account can be used to pay for expenses that are not covered by the university benefit plans but are eligible for the  on your income tax return. Eligible expenses include:

  • your coinsurance payments for expenses not covered at 100% or over the maximum allowed in the university health and dental plans.
  • vision care, including eye exams, glasses, contacts and laser eye surgery.
  • paramedical practitioners such as chiropractors, massage therapists, physiotherapists and psychologists.
  • expenses for extended family members who are not eligible under the university's benefit plan but are eligible to include on your income tax return.

HSA reimbursements are not taxable.

If you have a remaining balance in your HSA at the end of the year, it will be carried over for one year. If any part of that balance remains at the end of the second year, it will be forfeited.

Submitting Claims

  • You can view your HSA balance via your my Sun Life Account.
  • Direct billing from your HSA is not available but you can submit a claim through the website or mobile app or by mail with a paper form.
  • Expenses must be submitted by March 31 of the year following the year the expense was incurred.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the plan year for my HSA?
The plan year is the calendar year.
Does my balance carry forward into the following year?
Yes. Unused credits can be carried forward for one year only to pay for expenses incurred during the following benefit year. Any credits carried forward and unused at the end of the second benefit year are forfeited. For example, credits deposited on January 1, 2024 and not used by December 31, 2025 will be forfeited.
Are expenses incurred from my dependent eligible?
Yes, your HSA can be used to cover expenses incurred by you and any dependents who qualify for the medical tax credit.
Do I still get the full HSA benefit if my employment ends before the calendar year?
Yes, you are still eligible for the full amount. However, your expenses must be incurred during the term of your employment with the university and be submitted to Sun Life by March 31 of the year following the date the expense was incurred.
Are my reimbursements subject to income tax?
No. HSA reimbursements are not subject to income tax.
Other questions?
Contact Sun Life at 1-800-361-6212. Further information is also available in your my Sun Life Account or mobile app.