My Sun Life Account

Sun Life makes it easy for you to access your benefits information, submit claims, find providers and more. To access these services, register and sign in to your account at .


Register Online

  1. Find your seven-digit Employee ID (not your CCID). If your ID is less than seven digits, add 0s to the beginning (for example, an ID of 99999 will be 0099999).
  2. The university’s contract number is 25379.
  3. Go to and click Register Now. You’ll be asked to provide your email address. Sun Life will send you a verification email. Once your email is confirmed, you can set up your account.
  4. Complete your personal information, password and verification question.
  5. Verify your identity by signing in with your financial institution or answering additional questions.
  6. Your registration is complete!

Register By Phone

You can also register by phone by calling Sun Life at (1-800-361-6212).

  • You’ll need your Employee ID and the university contract number 25379.
  • A Sun Life representative will provide an access ID and help you navigate to the sign-in page to set up a password.

Multiple Accounts

If you have (or have had) more than one Sun Life account, call Sun Life at 1-800-361-6212 to merge your accounts, otherwise you will not be able to see the university plan when you sign in.


Sign In

Go to and enter your email or Access ID and password.

  • University staff cannot assist you with forgotten Access IDs or passwords.
    • Contact Sun Life for assistance.

Two-step Verification

Sun Life uses a two-step verification process to strengthen their online portal security.

  • You will be asked for your preferred phone number and given a choice between voice or text message verification.
  • You will be able to select whether you would like Sun Life to ask for two-step verification every time you sign in or only when they need it.
  • Sun Life uses a US-based provider for this service. They do so in compliance with all applicable Canadian laws and will only share your phone number with the provider.

my Sun Life Features

  • Print an all-in-one coverage card for your wallet.
  • Check what you are covered for.
  • Submit most claims (e.g. dental, vision, paramedical).
  • Sign up for direct deposit and have payments deposited in 24 to 48 hours.
  • View your claims statement and history.
  • See when you are eligible for your next pair of eyeglasses or dental check-up.
  • View the outstanding balance in your spending account(s).

Make it Mobile

The my Sun Life mobile app gives you tools to manage your benefit plan from your device, including claims processing and access to your drug and travel cards.


Coordination of Benefits

You can  via the my Sun Life mobile app.