Death of an Eligible Dependent

Caring for Yourself

Coping with the death of someone close to us is one of the most difficult challenges of our lives. Grief and the grieving process are very personal and unique, and talking to someone can help. The university's Employee and Family Assistance Program is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 780-428-7587.

You may also wish to review additional information regarding leaves.

Your Benefit + Pension Plans

If you have questions or need more information, please contact the Staff Service Centre.

Your Benefit and Pension Plans
Benefit What Do I Do?
Alberta Health Care Contact
Health and Dental Access to update your dependent information

Optional Dependent Life Insurance and/or Optional Accidental Death and Dismemberment (Family)

If you have Optional coverage contact the Staff Service Centre to initiate the claim process.
Life and Other Insurance Plans Consider updating your beneficiary information.
Pension Consider updating your beneficiary information.