Divorce + Legal Separation

At time of separation you may choose to remove your spouse from your Health and Dental plans as well a re-designate your beneficiary for your Life Insurance plan. Your spouse can not be removed as beneficiary of your pension plan until your divorce is finalized.

Divorce or Legal Separation
What? When? What do I do?
Supplementary Health and Dental Care At time of separation or when divorce is finalized Access to update dependent information and Benefit enrolments.
Life Insurance Plan(s) Your choice Consider updating your beneficiary information.
Pension Plan After divorce finalized

Consider updating your beneficiary information.

Alberta Health Care After finalized Contact .
Residence Change As required

To update your address in PeopleSoft: .

Alberta Pension Services (PSPP): or call 780-427-2782

Ending Marriage + Common-Law Relationship

When a common-law spouse no longer resides with you in a marriage-like relationship, they are no longer eligible for coverage under your benefit plans.

Ending Marriage or Common-Law Relationship
What? When? What do I do?
Supplementary Health and Dental Care Your choice Access to update dependent information and Benefit enrolments.
Life Insurance Plan(s) Your choice Consider updating your beneficiary information.
Pension Plan Only if longer than 3 years

Consider updating your beneficiary information.

Residence Change As required

To update your address in PeopleSoft: .

Alberta Pension Services (PSPP): or call 780-427-2782
Alberta Health Care Only if longer than 3 years Contact .