Certify + Register Equipment

Before using research-related equipment:

  1. If planning to use Class 3B and/or Class 4 lasers, review the to ensure your laboratory conforms with laser safety requirements. 
  2. Register equipment such as lasers, x-rays, biosafety cabinets, autoclaves, etc. in the HSE database.
  3. Obtain registration certification for designated radiation equipment (Class 3B or 4 lasers of x-ray equipment).
  4. Email hse.info@ualberta.ca to schedule certification of your cabinet or enclosure device.
  5. Read the equipment specifications and/or manual and note preventive maintenance schedule.
  6. Complete training and demonstrate competencies required to operate the equipment safely.
  7. Complete maintenance and calibration activities as specified by the manufacturer.


In Alberta, autoclaves are regulated by the  (ABSA). All autoclaves over 42.5L must have a Canadian Registration Number (CRN) that is valid in Alberta. To be valid, a CRN must contain a "2" or a "C" after the decimal point.

Examples of valid CRN: 1234.25, 1234.5c
Example of invalid CRN: 1234.5

For more information, contact .

Distinguishing Lab Equipment

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