Environmental Management

Environmental management is a key element of the Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS).

海角社区 senior administrators, supervisors, staff and students have legislated and university-mandated roles and responsibilities related to environmental management. Review the Environmental Management Assignment of Accountability  and Environmental Management Procedure  to learn more.

Environmental Management Services 

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) provides the following environmental services to the university community:

  • Oversight of environmental approvals and licenses
  • Environmental assessments
  • Liaising with regulators
  • Oversight of remediation and reclamation activities on university property
  • Review of environmental reports related to university property

Report an environmental incident

Report all spills or releases of hazardous materials as soon as possible, including hazardous discharges to air, land or water. Immediate reporting ensures that legislated reporting requirements are met and can help to minimize impacts to the environment. 

In case of an environmental spill, follow the steps below:

1. Follow your unit's emergency procedures.聽
This process does not supersede the emergency procedures for your area.
2. Make the area safe.
  • If safe to do so, stop the leak by shutting down the system.
  • If the spill is water, try to divert it to the nearest drain.
  • If the spill is a hazardous material, try to contain the spill and stop it from entering the drains.
  • Follow your emergency procedures. If it is not safe to do anything, evacuate the immediate area.
3. Call for assistance.
  • If there is an immediate threat to life and health, call 911 and UAPS at 780-492-5050.
  • As soon as it is safe to do so, call the Unified Communications Centre (UCC) at 780-492-5555. Provide details to them. If the spill is hazardous, ask for the HSE Officer on-call. HSE will collect information and report the spill to AEPA, EPCOR, the City of Camrose, or other regulators as required.
  • Contact your supervisor.


4. Isolate the area.

Follow your spill clean-up procedure. If you are not sure how to clean up the spill, contact your supervisor, or contact HSE for assistance. If immediate assistance is needed, call the UCC at 780-492-5555 and ask for the HSE Officer on-call.

5. Plan the spill clean up.
Follow your spill clean-up procedure. If you are not sure how to clean up the spill, contact your supervisor, or contact HSE for assistance. If immediate assistance is needed, call the UCC at 780-492-5555 and ask for the HSE Officer on-call.

 This report must be completed the same day the incident occurred.

For more details about how to respond and report to environmental spills, review the .

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