One Time Payments
One-time payments are non-recurring payments for hours worked during a specified short period of time not greater than one pay period. Please note that actual dates of when work was completed and the corresponding hours breakdown must be noted in the comment section of the pay action form (PAF). This information is required to correctly calculate ROE's and to ensure we are compliant with the new Employment Standards legislation related to holiday pay. Support Staff one-time payments for time worked in the past should be very rare.
All other appointments must be appointed to one of the employee types (Casual Level 1, Casual Level 1 - FT Student etc.) and hours should be submitted on timesheets as hours are worked.
This is required for several reasons:
It is required by law: the Alberta Employment Standards Act states that an employee must be paid not later than 10 days after the end of each pay-period worked [ESA 8 (1).
Paying hours for time worked in the past will mean that the buckets (and the automatic calculation for the 4-month break) will be inaccurate.
Most obvious of all, employees want to be paid in a timely manner to manage their financial affairs.
One Time Payments
One-time payments are processed on the pay period schedule. Payments will be determined by the date the paperwork is received in Payroll Operations.
To process the payment indicate the hourly rate and the number of hours worked. Overtime rates may apply dependent on the number of hours worked on a daily and/or weekly basis.
Determine Hourly Rate
Determining the appropriate rate for the work performed:
Support Staff and Benchmarks:
- Benchmarks reflect typical duties performed in positions at specific grades and are intended to:
- assist when creating job descriptions for support staff positions
- be used as anchors or reference points to group similar positions
- promote overall internal equity and consistency across campus
- Benchmarks provide guidance in selecting grade levels for the following support staff employee types:
- Casual Level 1
- Casual Level 1 - Full Time 海角社区 Student
- Casual Level 2
- Auxiliary
- Using benchmarks can be one tool to determine an appropriate pay grade for a casual job.
If you are unsure about what an appropriate pay grade is, call Job and Organizational Design. They can provide assistance and advice.
If the individual receiving the one-time payment does not fall within the support staff category (Excluded Student, Undergraduate Student etc.) the minimum rate per hour is the Alberta Minimum Wage.
Entitlement that Applies to One-time Payments
Support Staff:
- Casual Level 1 - Full Time 海角社区 Student
- 4% vacation pay
- 3.46% stat pay
- 1.5% premium pay
- Casual Level 1 and Casual Level 2
- 4% vacation pay
- 3.46% stat pay
- Auxiliary Hourly
- 6% vacation pay
- 4.23% stat pay
- 10% benefit pay
- All Other One-Time Payments
- 4% vacation pay
The entitlement percentages are in addition to the hourly rate. Use the calculation worksheet to determine the hourly rate before vacation pay, stat pay, etc are added on.
Convert a One-time Payment Amount to an Hourly Rate
Divide the total one-time payment amount by the number of hours worked to determine the hourly rate.
All support staff categories ensure the hourly rate reflects appropriate payment for the type of work performed. See the 'Benchmarks' and 'Salary Scales'.