Setting Up Pay for New Employees

When hiring or rehiring employees, you’ll need to ensure pay is set up properly.

☑ Deadlines for Employees Paid Semi-Monthly + Monthly

For most employee types, pay will be coordinated through the appointment system. For employees who require eForms or Pay Action Forms to process an appointment (such as persons of interest), ensure the forms are submitted by the applicable payroll deadline. Forms received after the deadline may not be processed until the next cycle resulting in delayed payments for your employees. Please make sure all necessary documentation is also attached.

☑ Mandatory Direct Deposit

Advise employees and students that all payments are paid by direct deposit. Ensure employees and students add their banking information to Direct Deposit under the Employees Self Service tab in  no later than three days before the first payment date following their appointment or re-appointment.

☑ TD1 Forms

If no TD1 form is received, standard tax deductions from pay will be applied.
If new employees or students need to claim tax exemptions or add deductions beyond the basic tax exemptions, direct them to fill out the TD1 and TD1AB forms on the Personal Tax Credits Return page. The forms should be submitted to the Staff Service Centre. Tax exemptions previously set up will remain the same for subsequent years unless a new TD1 or TD1AB form is submitted.

☑ Social Insurance Numbers

If you haven’t received a Social Insurance Number from the employee for the eForms or appointment process, please have the employee enter their SIN number through BearTracks Self Service within three days of them starting their employment, or when received if the employee is a foreign national.

☑ Work + Study Permits

If an employee is not a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, a copy of the immigration documents must be sent to Shared Services or as an attachment with the appointment eForm before the first payment date. Payments made to non-Canadian or Permanent Residents may be held if the appropriate permit documentation is not received. Also, please always fill out the Immigration Status section of eForm and pay action forms, being sure to also include Country of Citizenship.

For Student Appointments

☑ Student Departmental Contact

Provide students with a departmental contact name and number to assist them in the onboarding and documentation process. Ensure that your students are aware of mandatory direct deposit, the payroll deadlines, timesheet completion process and tax slips and how these can be accessed through self service. Also, please ensure students are aware of what types of payments they will be receiving (ex. Scholarship, Bursary, Taxable Salary).