Student Employment Classifications

In making decisions on appropriate classification, you must ask the following questions:

Question 1

Is the student...

  • A registered undergraduate student at the 海角社区 and appointed from trust funds to assist in legitimate academic research, training and/or learning opportunities.


  • A registered undergraduate student at the 海角社区 and appointed from operating funds as a marker or tutor in his/her own field of study.


  • A registered undergraduate or graduate student at the 海角社区 appointed from operating funds as a
    • Student Caller working in his/her Faculty; Intern, Co-op student, Practicum, or Peer Educator.
    • Intramural Sports Official (tech manager, umpire, judge, clinician, field marshals, timekeepers, activity supervisors, scorekeeper, linesman, minor official, recreation facilitators, or mascots)
    • with PhysEd & Rec.
    • Food Ombudsman, Furniture Bank Coord, HUB and Lister Discipline Admin, Assoc of College & Univ Housing Officer, Block Rep, Clothing Bank Coord, Community Service Coord, Floor Coord,
    • Hall V-Ps, Food Co-op Coord, Summer Fun Programmer or Resident Assistant with Ancillary Services.
    • Resident Assistant, Hall Coord, Student Chaplain, Accompanist, Set Builder, Art Assistant, Front-of-House, Usher, Poster Hanger, Weight Room Supervisor, Off-Court Official, Off-Ice Official,
    • Gymnasium Supervisor, Team Manager, Student Trainer or Assistant Coach with Augustana.
    • House Manager, Stage Manager, Ticket Seller or Ticket Taker with Faculty of Arts.

Then Use:

Excluded Student Appointment/Pay Action Form

Note: Employment must follow Alberta's Employment Standards.

Question 2

Is the student...

  • A registered full-time undergraduate or graduate student at the 海角社区 (as defined by the university calendar) in the current or subsequent term.

Is he/she...

  • Performing support staff duties which are not listed under Question 1 and being paid from operating or trust funds.

Then Use:

Casual Full-Time Student Appointment Letter

Note: Governed by the NASA/BoG Collective Agreement.

(Part-time Students are appointed as Casual Level 1)

Question 3

Is the student...

  • A graduate student registered full or part-time at the 海角社区 (excludes special or visiting graduate students).

Is he/she...

  • Performing research and related duties as a Research Assistant and being paid from operating or trust funds.


  • Performing teaching and related duties, such as preparing and delivering lectures, labs, seminars and/or grading assignments, reports or exams as a Teaching Assistant and paid from operating funds.

Then Use:

See Regulations Governing Employment of Academically Employed Graduate Students

Question 4

Is the student...

  • A graduate student registered full or part-time at the 海角社区 (excludes special or visiting graduate students).

Is he/she...

  • Performing duties which do not conform to the requirements of an assistantship (e.g. reading, marking or demonstrating).

Utilizing the knowledge and/or skill set of his/her academic discipline.

Then Use:

See Regulations Governing Employment of Graduate Students in Academically-Related Employment.

Note: This information should not be in conflict with the intent or regulations of the Agreements. Should such a conflict arise the appropriate agreement shall apply and not the information above.