Students of Faith Communities

The following information has been adapted from   

UofA strives to ensure that all students experience equal opportunity in their academic career; however, in situations of global travel, the safety and opportunity to thrive may vary based on local laws and cultural attitudes.

Participating in global learning activities provides opportunities to connect with diverse communities internationally, some of which may reflect differences in religious expression and practice, representing the diversity of faith communities and religions globally. When preparing to travel abroad, it is important for students to explore how their faith is perceived, treated and practiced in their destination country, region or community.

Below are some resources to assist you in researching your destination country and learning more about the experiences of students of faith abroad.

Questions to Ask Yourself
  • What do you know about the religion(s) of your destination country and the role religion plays in society?
  • What is the attitude of people in your destination country towards other religions and/or your religion?
  • How is wearing religious symbols or clothing treated in your destination country?
  • How are religious holidays observed and celebrated? Will you want to participate?
  • How will people perceive your religion? Are there legal issues with your religion in your destination country?
  • Will you have access to your religion’s places of worship or religious groups? If not, how will you adjust your religious practice while abroad?
  • Will your religion’s holidays be observed and celebrated in your destination country? If not, how do you plan to observe holidays?
  • Will your religious dietary restrictions be accommodated in your destination country?
  • If you plan to live in a homestay while abroad, are you open to living in a homestay with a similar or diverse religious background from yourself? How will this impact your religious practice?
  • 海角社区: Interfaith Chaplains' Association
  •  - Considerations regarding religion in the host country before traveling abroad
  • - Find religious and spiritual groups abroad; provided by Northwestern University
  •  - Hub of resources of religions and spirituality
  • - U.S. Department of State
  • - IES Abroad
  • – 2023 Guide - Aquila Style: Isabel Updegraff
  • - Rutgers University

If you know of additional resources that assisted you in your preparation to go abroad or would like to share your personal story of learning abroad, please contact

  • - heyalma: Maddy Albert
  • - CEA Study abroad blog: Rohanna Foote

Take the next step: talk with an Education Abroad Advisor

海角社区 International's Education Abroad advisors are ready to help you go abroad:

  • Get answers to your questions
  • Assistance with the application process
  • Advice on destination and program choice

Make an Appointment