Protein trafficking in Giardia lamblia:
eccentric cell biology in a eukaryote with reduced complexity
with Carmen Faso, PhD, University of Bern
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Giardia lamblia is a fascinating eukaryotic cell model due to its surprising degree of reduction in organelle number and molecular machinery composition. In this presentation Dr. Faso will present a few examples of how Giardia carries out complex tasks with minimal machinery, with unexpected twists to well-characterized processes.
Dr. Faso who is based out of Switzerland, is coming especially to be with us in person and will be available for further discussions and networking opportunities before and after her Global Health Rounds talk. Free pizza lunch and refreshments are included. All who register will receive a Zoom link but we encourage in person participation as this is a networking event.

Dr. Carmen Faso. PhD graduated summa cum laude in Biological Sciences from the Third University of Rome in 2003. She obtained her PhD in Natural Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and then proceeded with a first postdoctoral position at Michigan State University in the field of plant cell biology. In 2010, Carmen moved back to Switzerland, this time at the University of Zurich, and fell in love with protist parasites and their incredible cell and molecular biology. She pursued her love of everything Giardia and established her own group at the University of Bern in 2019 as a Swiss National Foundation PRIMA Professor. Since then, Dr. Faso has become the leader of the medical parasitology group and the newly-established Multidisciplinary Center for Infectious Diseases, all at the University of Bern.