Solar Power Oxygen Delivery For Childhood Pneumonia in Low Income Settings
with Dr. Michael Hawkes, Dr. Nicholas Conradi, Dr. Abdullah Saleh, Dr. Qaasim Mian and Dr. Saleh Nyende
Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022, 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm via Zoom

Our team had developed a technique to provide oxygen off the electrical grid in remote and rural areas, testing the process at 25 hospitals in Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Somalia. This presentation will discuss the proof-of-concept, efficacy (mortality benefit), and cost-effectiveness of solar powered oxygen delivery. We will also speculate on pathways to scale to maximize global impact.


Dr. Michael Hawkes, (BEng, McGill U; MD, 海角社区lberta; PhD, U of Toronto; DTM&H, Peru; FRCPC, Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases; Distinguished Researcher, Stollery Science Lab) is a clinician-scientist at the 海角社区. In addition to a clinical practice in consultant Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the Stollery Children’s Hospital, he leads a translational research program in global pediatric infections. Diseases of focus include some of the leading infectious disease killers of children in the world today: malaria, pneumonia, Ebola, and HIV. He holds peer reviewed grants (CIHR, Grand Challenges Canada, Women and Children’s Health Research Institute, Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology) that support basic science research, epidemiologic studies, and clinical trials. He operates field sites in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has more than 120 peer-reviewed publications, which have been cited over 3,300 times in the medical literature. His research is improving outcomes in children with serious infections in some of the least developed areas of the globe. 

Dr. Qaasim Mian is a 4th year Peds Resident at the Stollery Children's Hospital.

Dr. Saleh Nyende is a Pediatric Nephrology Fellow from Uganda.


Dr. Nicholas Conradi, BSc, MPH, MD, PhD Candidate has a BSc in Biological Science and Human Geography from the 海角社区, an MPH from King’s College London, University of London and MD from the University of Limerick.  He is currently a Pediatric Resident and completing his PhD in Medical Sciences, Pediatrics at the 海角社区.  He is the co-founder of World Interdisciplinary Forum for Healthcare which was formed following The Network:  Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) 2018 International Conference. Students from across 13 countries and 5 continents committed themselves to reinventing the way students passionate about healthcare (whether from medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, business, engineering, etc.) engage with one another in joint learning, research, and advocacy. Together, we hope to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve locally, nationally, and internationally by developing innovative interdisciplinary approaches to local healthcare issues, all while sharing and accessing the great ideas being developed around the world. 

Dr. Abdullah Saleh, MD is an Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Pediatric Surgery in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the 海角社区. An alumni of the University of Calgary he currently works as a pediatric surgeon at the Stollery Children's/海角社区 Hospital in Edmonton. He established the Office of Global Surgery which develops global partnerships to improve access to surgical care and trains clinicians and global health innovators. He co-founded and directs Innovative Canadians for Change (ICChange), a not for profit social enterprise which raises funds for international development initiatives.  Other projects he’s been involved with include providing vocational training and access to high-efficiency stoves to refugees on the Burma-Thai border and the Kenya Ceramic Project, a water-filtration initiative that provides clean drinking water for 100,000 Kenyans.