The overall theme of Rounds is the promotion of health regardless of location and addressing disparities. Subject matter ranges from health determinants of specific populations (e.g. children, mothers, marginalized communities) to the burden of disease (e.g. malaria, HIV). The audience is encouraged to propose topics for future Rounds.

Faculty members, students and residents undertaking global health research or programs, or research in related topics, will often make presentations. Presenters have covered subjects as diverse as the impact of environmental change on sustainable health and the challenge of poverty in reaching the Millennium Development goals. Students of health sciences faculties undertaking global health electives or field work are also encouraged to present their work.

Please contact for further information and if you are willing to present at Rounds. More information about Rounds is also available if you subscribe to our .

Note: Students who attend Global Health Rounds can claim their attendance for credit toward the 12 Hour Global Health Elective.