International Medical Education Partnerships:  Successes and Challenges
with Dr. William Stokes, MD, MSc, FRCPC, ABIM
Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021, 12:00 - 12:50 pm
Have you ever considered participating in or developing a medical education partnership with an institution from a low or middle income country (LMIC)? This talk will describe the process of implementing a medical education partnership and the challenges that are commonly encountered. Two partnerships will be used as examples: a partnership with internal medicine trainees in Georgetown, Guyana and a partnership with family physicians and medical trainees in Gondar, Ethiopia.
Dr. William Stokes is a medical microbiologist with Alberta's Public Health Laboratory, as part of Alberta Precision Laboratories, and an infectious disease specialist at the 海角社区. His interests and activities include medical education, rapid point of care diagnostics, and tropical medicine.