MD Admissions

The 海角社区 is committed to providing equity within the field of medicine, and within our own MD program. The Indigenous pathway takes a holistic approach to the admissions process, instead of the competitive process the general admissions follows. We take into consideration an applicant's previous academics, life experiences, connection to community, as well as personal desire and ability to be a Physician.

Proof of Indigenous Ancestry:

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry requires notarized proof of Indigenous ancestry as outlined in to be submitted through your UAlberta Launchpad when applying through the Indigenous Stream. This includes:

  • a certified copy* of a Status card from the Government of Canada;
  • a certified copy* of a Métis membership card from one of the five Métis Provincial Affiliates or recognized Territorial organizations; Métis Nation of Alberta, Métis Nation of Ontario, Manitoba Métis Federation, Métis Nation Saskatchewan, Métis Nation British Columbia, Northwest Territory Métis Nation. Additionally, the student may present a membership card from the Métis Settlements General Council showing membership in a Métis Settlement of Alberta;
  • a certified copy* of an enrolment card issued by Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.
  • documentation that an ancestor’s name has been entered 1) in the Indian Register according to the Indian Act, or 2) on the band list of an individual band, or 3) as beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement or other claim regions such as Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, and Inuvialuit;
  • written confirmation of Indigenous identity from Indigenous Services
  • written confirmation of Inuit enrolment from Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.
  • written confirmation of membership by a band council which has enacted its own band membership code

*Certified copy references that the documents will be from a certified organization. Documentation does not need to be notarized to be submitted.

Indigeneity and connecting to your Indigenous identity can be a complex process. If you are unsure whether your proof of ancestry is accepted or not, please contact us and we will help guide you through the process.

Candidates must meet all the requirements for admission as outlined by the 海角社区, including a personal interview (where applicable). 

GPA & MCAT Scores:

All Indigenous applicants follow the Albertan minimum cumulative GPA (cGPA) and MCAT Score which are as follows:

  • GPA: 3.30 on the UofA 4.0 grading scale.
  • MCAT: 124 in all categories (CPBS, CARS, BBFL, PSBB).

We only ask applicants to meet these minimum requirements to be granted an Interview by our Indigenous panel. We do not have competitive averages to get into our admission process. 

Optional: Reference Letter

If you feel it would strengthen your application, you are welcome to provide us with a reference letter from someone who could also attest to your involvement or connection to Indigenous communities or organizations. This should be submitted through your UAlberta Launchpad.

How to Apply through the Indigenous Stream

Individuals looking to apply to the Indigenous stream will follow the same online application process as the general stream. You will need to submit all requested documentation for the Academic and Non-Academic requirements before the deadline. Please read through all the  application requirements listed before applying, so you are aware what supplemental items will be needed before the deadline.