Funding Opportunities


  • Darcy Tailfeathers Memorial Awards in Medicine

    Every year, the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry honours two Aboriginal medical students. The candidates are nominated by the faculty and must be of Aboriginal descent, as outlined in the calendar.

    This award was established in memory of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry's first Aboriginal MD student, Darcy Tailfeathers, who died in an automobile accident during the third year of his studies.

    Number: 2
    Amount: $1,750

  • Tom Wegmann Memorial Award

    Biennially, the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry recognizes an Aboriginal student with an interest in indigenous health care.

    The award was established in 1995 in memory of a Faculty member who, for many years, was a strong supporter of the IHI Program.

    Number: 1, biennially
    Amount: $750

  • IndspireThe 海角社区 has an agreement with for ALL 1st year Indigenous MD students. In order to receive this funding students must apply directly to Indspire. There are three possible deadlines to submit your application by within your first year of the MD program: August 1, November 1, and February 1.

    Number: Variable
    Amount: $10,000. If financial need is demonstrated students can receive up to an additional $20,000.

  • Student Financial Support Scholarships

    The 海角社区 proudly supports Indigenous specific funding. By scrolling down on this link, you can find all of the funding information available through the 海角社区 for Indigenous students. 

    You only need one application to access all the scholarships and awards offered within the 海角社区! Here are some things to keep in mind: 
    • All students should apply
    • It is money you do not pay back
    • Applications typically open in January for funding for the next academic year
  • Student Financial Support: Bursaries Bursaries are financial support designed to assist students experiencing financial shortfall for the current school year's academic and basic living costs or a temporary unexpected financial emergency during the academic year.The university offers several types of Bursaries & Emergency Funding. Some of these bursaries can help offset some cost of schooling, rent or other necessities. Some bursaries, including the Indigenous Students’ Support Fund, provide funding for emergency financial support, for students who may be experiencing an immediate financial crisis and need money quicklyHere are some things to keep in mind:
    • All student should apply
    • Apply anytime throughout the year
    • It is money you do not pay back

Canadian Medical Foundation

  • Dr. John Big Canoe Memorial Scholarship

    The Canadian Medical FoundationOpen to any undergraduate Aboriginal student enrolled in their second, third, or fourth year of study in a Canadian medical school. The ideal applicant has demonstrated strong academic performance and outstanding contributions to an Aboriginal community in Canada.

    Applications are available from any Faculty of Medicine in Canada or a CMF Special Bursary Program for Aboriginal Medical Students co-coordinator.
    Tel: 1-800-267-9703

    Number: 1
    Amount: $2,000

Indigenous Community Support

  • Belcourt Brosseau Métis Award

    was established in 2001. It was a joint effort by the directors of the Canative Housing Corporation, Orval Belcourt, Herb Belcourt and George Brosseau. Students are evaluated on a combination of factors, which include connections to the Métis community, financial need and academic performance.

    Number: Variable
    Amount: between $2,000 and $7,000.