Mineralogy and Petrology Collection
The Mineralogy and Petrology Collection in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences is a comprehensive resource of more than 12,000 rock and mineral specimens from around the world. Established in 1912, it is one of the oldest systematic collections in Canada, actively used for geological teaching and study, including research in geochemistry, the tectonic history of Alberta, and the search for hydrocarbon reservoirs. Specimens have been acquired during staff and student research projects and through donations from private collectors and the petroleum and mining industries. The collection is a valuable resource for researchers, students, collectors, and the museum community.
Mineralogy & Petrology Museum (ESB B-08)
Hours: Fridays, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Cost: Free
海角社区 classes may book alternative visitation on weekdays by contacting Lisa.budney@ualberta.ca.