Responsibilities of the Graduate Students

Graduate students should:

  • Make themselves aware of the contents of the graduate portions of the Calendar and take responsibility for their own programs in that the Calendar sets out the requirements for the various programs;
  • Be aware of possible scholarship opportunities, and seek advice and assistance from the department in making applications, etc;
  • Be aware of the supervisor's and any NMHI expectations;
  • Inform the supervisor regularly about progress, and provide the supervisor with an annual report for distribution to the supervisory committee;
  • Maintain open communication with their supervisor and Director of Graduate Studies/member of NGPC concerning any problem; and in the event of a conflict in the supervisor-student or advisor-student relationship, discuss with the supervisor and thee Director of Graduate Studies in a timely fashion (see  in the Calendar); and
  • Make research results accessible (beyond their appearance in a thesis) to an appropriate audience.

(FGSR Council, 1989/06/19)

To remain in good standing students must meet program requirements on schedule including:

  • Complete ethics training requirements by the end of the first term in the program.
  • Attend at least one supervisory committee meeting per calendar year.
  • Achieve satisfactory performance at their committee meetings and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in coursework.
  • Provide an Annual Report at the time scheduled by GPS and send a copy to the Graduate Administrator.
  • Attend a yearly meeting with a member of the NGPC.
  • Attend the required number of seminars and provide a spreadsheet indicating attendance details (in-person versus virtual attendance criteria are given below).
  • Students in the PhD program must pass the Candidacy exam by the deadline set by GPS.
  • Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 throughout their graduate program. Failure to maintain the required cumulative GPA will result in a recommendation by the Director of Graduate Studies to GPS that the student be placed on or required to withdraw.