Responsibilities of the Supervisor
All supervisors must be members of the NMHI with active research programs. New investigators, members who hold an MD degree (with no thesis), or members who have not graduated a student will normally be required to appoint a co-supervisor for their students. The co-supervisor must first be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.
The Supervisor:
- provides an environment for the student that is conducive to perform research and to stimulate the student's intellectual growth.
- is expected to mentor the student by guiding and directing them in their program through regular one-on-one and/or lab group meetings and to provide timely constructive feedback on written work, presentations, and manuscript preparations and submission.
- ensures that the student meets all the administrative requirements of the NMHI, FoMD and GPS.
Note: in accordance with GPS regulations, it is the supervisor's responsibility and not the student's to arrange supervisory committee meetings and examinations.
- offers the research support necessary for completion of the thesis research.
- ensures that appropriate financial support for the Student's stipend is in place and makes recommendations for the Student to apply for scholarships where applicable.
- provides the NGPC with an annual written report on the student's performance as requested. This written report is part of the GPS Progress Report system.
- with the Student, establishes a realistic timeline for completion of various phases of the program.
- establishes, with input from the Student, the Supervisory Committee and meets with that committee within six months of the student commencing the graduate program.
- ensures that the student meets with the Supervisory Committee at least once a year.
- Informs and communicates to the Director of Graduate studies, student, and Supervisory Committee members of any circumstances that arise with regard to the student's graduate program.
- reviews the Thesis proposal from the Student prior to submission to the Supervisory Committee.
- ensures that all members of the Supervisory Committee have signed the Preliminary Acceptance of Thesis approving the suitability of the thesis for examination before submission to the final examining committee for the final oral examination.
- maintains open communication with the student concerning any problem; and in the event of a conflict in the supervisor-student relationship, discusses the issues with the student and graduate coordinator in a timely fashion (see in the Calendar).