NSERC CREATE and Specialized Graduate Programs

CREATE programs offer a unique combination of traditional graduate programming and experiential learning to support a seamless transition into industry.

CREATE Integrated Graduate Training Programs

The Faculty of Science is proud to offer three . These programs provide students with enhanced training and learning opportunities that complement their regular graduate programs and increase their readiness for careers in non-academic and/or academic sectors. These programs are open to both MSc and PhD students.


CREATE Program

Areas of Science

Alberta / Technical University of Munich International Graduate School for Hybrid Functional Materials (ATUMS)
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Computer engineering
  • Nanoscience
  • Materials science
Diamond Exploration Research Training School (DERTS)
  • Kimberlite volcanology
  • Geochronology
  • Geophysics
  • Minerology
  • Petrology
Quantum Nanotechnology Training in Alberta (QUANTA)
  • Physics
  • Electrical and computer engineering
  • Nanoelectronics
  • Materials science

All of our CREATE programs offer a unique combination of traditional graduate programming and experiential learning to set new graduates up for success.

Internships, field work, and soft-skills training, are just some of the supplementary experiences on offer in addition to access to some of the finest research facilities in the world, with training and mentorship.

Specialized Graduate Programs

These programs focus on a special area of study, often with cross-disciplinary elements.

Program Degrees Offered Department
Multimedia Internetworking MSc Computing Science
Statistical Machine Learning MSc, PhD Computing Science
Mathematical & Statistical Sciences
Integrated Petroleum Geology MSc Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Urban & Regional Planning MSc, PhD Earth & Atmospheric Sciences