Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Admission and program changes FAQ
Your degree is not impacted and you may continue as normal. Students currently enrolled in a BSc General, BSc Specialization and BSc Honors degree and those admitted for Fall 2023 may finish their programs.
We are no longer admitting into these degrees after September 2023. The BSc/BEd degree remains unchanged
For more details visit the New Degree FAQ page.
Yes. Students who are facing challenges and need to begin their studies in January 2024 may do so. Please ensure you check all guidelines around your study permits/visas, scholarships, awards, and tuition payments before making this decision.
- It is your responsibility to remove any Fall 2023 courses from your class schedule before the .
- It is your responsibility to register for your Winter 2024 courses by the . (If for some reason you cannot attend in January, you must drop those classes by that date)
- If you have already secured housing through Residence Services, you must contact them directly to make alternate arrangements.
If you decide to sit out for the entire year, and not register in Fall 2022 and Winter 2023, your file will be inactivated after the Winter Term Registration Deadline. You will then need to reapply if you wish to attend in the future.
Note: This cannot be appealed.
See here for information on the new degree structure
General FAQ
The shift to remote delivery has prompted the need to also shift the tools that the 海角社区 uses for assessment and assessment processes. Under both in-person and online circumstances, we understand that assessments can be stressful. In remote settings, though, stress can often be exacerbated by technical difficulties that may arise outside of instructor or student control. Please use this guide for recommended steps in the event of a technical issue.
We offer individual 20-minute appointments through the Google Meet platform.
Advising hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. You can book an appointment through our website.
*To assist with the high volume of in-person inquiries at the start of the term. Individual advising appointments will be paused from September 1-15. Advisors will be available at the counter for drop-in instead.
You can decline your transfer credit by submitting the AP or IB or GCE Decline Transfer Credit Form to your Faculty Student Services office. Be aware of the deadline that is listed on the form.
Learn more:
Applications open October 1, 2023. The deadline is March 1, 2024, to apply for, or transfer to, a new program for Fall 2024.
If you want to accept an offer of admission to a new program, you must transfer your registration in using the "change program" function by the Add/Delete deadline of the Fall termIf you are in the BSc General program, sign into Bear Tracks and use the to see your remaining degree requirements
The Bear Tracks user guide is accessible from the bottom menu of the sign-on page. It can also be located here:
Assistance is available at Student Services Centre
- Cameron Library
- Coutts Education Library
- Rutherford Library
- Scott Health Sciences Library
- Students' Union Building
- Weir Law Library
- Winspear Business Library
- Engineering Teaching Learning Complex (ETLC)
- You can load money from Cash, Cheque, Credit Card or Debit at:
- OneCard office, 9104 HUB Mall (right next to A&W)
First off, read the message that will inform you of the reason you are unable to enroll in the class. If that doesn't help then:
- check the listed pre/co-requisites
- check “Class Notes” to see if it's restricted to a specific Major/Minor, if you're "Undeclared", then you'll want to declare your Major/Minor with your home faculty
- check “Subject Notes” if any Priority Restrictions (ie: date for when the enrolment is opened up to all students instead of specific groups/cohorts of students (ex: 4th years or XXX Majors) are in effect
- if a class has a black box with the letter "L" inside of it, that means there's a delayed registration date for the majority of students, you can contact the Department to find out what the delayed registration date is.
- check to see if it has a Status of a blue square (“Closed (Contact Department)”), which requires students to speak with the Teaching Department for that class to get enrolment assistance
Science options: Courses offered by the Faculty of Science - includes additional courses in your Major and Science Minor.
Arts options: Courses offered by the Faculty of Arts, these are a diverse range of courses within Humanities, Social Sciences, Fine Arts and Language courses. The ENGL requirements for JR core also count towards Arts options.
Outside options: Courses not offered by the Faculty of Science or Arts
Check your degree requirements on the left hand side of the page or review the Academic Requirements tool in BearTracks.
REMEMBER: You need to follow the requirements from the year you were admitted. Current and previous calendars can be found here, . Also, please pay special attention to when you entered the General program as the requirements are different for those admitted prior to 2014.
- Review the degree requirements for your program.
- Evaluate where you are. Look at the requirements for your major/minor.
- By your second or third year you should be making good progress in fulfilling those courses, particularly at the 200 or 300 levels.
- If you have not declared your major or minor, simply go to
- If there is one area you particularly like, find out more about what programs are available in specialization/honors/specific area.
"Year 1/2/3/4" are not based on physical years spent at the 海角社区, it's determined based on successfully completed credits:
0 to 30 credits = "Year 1"
31 to 60 credits = "Year 2"
61 to 90 credits = "Year 3"
91 to 120+ credits = "Year 4"
General Science students do not have course load requirements and can take up to 5 courses per term.
NOTE: Some scholarships, awards or loans require you to carry a specific course load. Keep this in mind when registering for courses.
ENGL 102, ENGL 103, ENGL 108 or ENGL 125.
WRS 100, WRS 101, WRS 102, or WRS 104 (max *3 in WRS)
Note: The ENGL requirements for JR core also count towards the Arts option total.
Academic Advisement Report
- Sign on to
- Under Academics>Plan, click on Academic Requirements
- What requirements have been met with courses you have successfully completed and/or with your courses in progress AND
- What requirements are still outstanding and require completion.
Starting at the top, you will see:
- Date and time your report was last generated: Reports regenerate periodically when triggered by processes such as changes in course enrolment .
- Links: collapse all, expand all and view report as pdf: You can collapse or expand all sections of your report
- Legend symbols: Your courses will be either "Taken" (green circle with a check on it) or "In Progress" (yellow diamond). The symbols will display in the column next to grades:
- Requirements will be Satisfied or Not Satisfied: The report will have requirements collapsed, expanded or a combination of the two when it first appears on your screen.
a. Collapse (arrow pointing sideways to the right) means the requirement is satisfied (you can click on the collapsed arrow to see courses, their descriptions, units, terms, grades and legend for the courses used). Note the report will collapse requirements when you meet them with either courses in progress as well as with courses you have already completed.
b. Expand (arrow pointing down) means the requirement is not satisfied.
5. Units required, taken and needed to complete requirements:
(12.00 same as credits *12)
- "required" number of units required to satisfy the requirement
- "taken" number of units in progress and/or completed used by the requirement
- "needed" number of units not in progress and/or completed but still needed to satisfy the requirement
Student Responsibility: Refers to your responsibilities as a student completing your BSc General program and it contains the link to form
Faculty of Science Program Information: Contains the Calendar year of when you were admitted to your program, specifics about your program, major(s) and/or minor and information about your academic standing in the Faculty of Science.
Registration: Shows your recent term(s) registration, including courses completed and/or in progress.
Junior Core Requirement: Reports how your courses fit into the junior requirements including: English, Physical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Laboratory Sciences.
Major Requirement: Shows specific requirements in your chosen major(s) according to the UofA Calendar.
Minor Requirement: If you have a minor, shows specific requirements in your chosen minor according to the UofA Calendar.
Options: Lists all courses applicable to your degree but not applied to the junior core, major(s) and minor requirements.
Program Summary: Displays where credits fit in the different areas of your degree.
Courses Not Used: Lists credits not used toward your degree.
This may be happening because you are active in more than one program. This will be sorted out after the Fall delete deadline when you will be active in only one program. You may still be able to view how your courses fit into one program by running a What-if Report (Academics>Plan, click on What-if Report) for that program.
Calculators for Faculty of Science courses
The Faculty of Science has a policy in place to determine which calculators are able to be used in midterm and final exams for all undergraduate courses. The policy is in place to ensure fairness on exams and ensure students are not using calculators that have communication abilities.
The policy considers calculators to be either programmable or non-programmable. Individual instructors then determine which of the following three options they will allow students to use during exams:
- Approved programmable or non-programmable calculators
- Approved non-programmable calculators only
- No calculators during examinations.
This information will be indicated on the course syllabus that is provided by each instructor at the beginning of every course.
- Hewlett Packard Model HP 10S, HP 10S+
- CASIO FX-115MS Plus or CASIO FX-115ES Plus
- Texas Instruments Model TI-30X IIB, TI-30X IIS or TI-30XS MultiView
- Texas Instruments Model TI-36X Pro
- CASIO FX-991ES PLUS (Natural Express)
Approved Programmable Calculators:
- Texas Instrument Models TI-83 Plus & Higher
- TI-83 Plus
- TI-83 Plus Silver Edition
- TI-84 Plus
- TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
- TI-Nspire CAS
- TI-Nspire CAS (with touchpad)
- TI-Nspire CX
- TI-89 Titanium
- Voyage 200
Calculator stickers will not be required for the 2023-2024 Academic year.