
Neurosurgery Research Updates - December, 2019


Dr. Au

A qualitative assessment of the journey from time of diagnosis to radiotherapy treatment in patients with high-grade glioma


Dr. Darsaut

TATAM -Transvenous Approach for the Treatment of cerebral AVM

TOBAS -Treatment of Brain Arterio-venous Malformations

TRACS - Tranexamic acid in chronic subdural hematomas

REACT- pRevention and trEatment of vAsospasm with ClazosenTan

EASI -Endovascular Acute Stroke Intervention trial

ISAT II -The International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial - II

FIAT -Flow diversion in Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment: A randomized trial comparing flow diversion and best standard treatment.

STAT -Stenting in the treatment of large, wide-necked or recurring intracranial aneurysm

RESURGE- Randomized Controlled Comparative Phase II Trial on Surgery for Glioblastoma Recurrence


Dr. Findlay

CURES: The Canadian UnRuptured Endovascular Coiling versus Surgical Clipping trial,


Dr. Fox

Decompression Alone vs. Decompression and Instrumented Fusion for the Management of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Associated with Stable Degenerative

Spondylolisthesis: A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Pilot Trial.

The New Edmonton Cervical Traction Board Trial


Dr. Mehta

Limited Duration of Post-Operative Helmet Therapy In Endoscopic Sagittal Craniosynostosis Repair

HCRN Core Data Project

Quality of life and neurodevelopmental outcomes in surgical versus conservative treatment of non-syndromic children with craniosynostosis.

Interhypothalamic Adhesions and Absent Septum Pellucidum in Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomies


Dr. Nataraj

Canadian Spine Society Registry (CSORN- Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network) Study

The Collar Post Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery (C-Pass) Study

Comparison of Outcomes in Lumbar Fusion Surgery

Evaluating the Effects of Six-Week of Lumbar Bracing on Type I Modic Changes: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (Co-Investigator)


Dr. O'Kelly

Evaluation of Pipeline Device Deployment for Intracranial Aneurysms

Angiographic image guidance for brain AVM surgery

SAH / ICH discharge databases (CIHI)


Dr. Sankar

Changes in spinal reflexes during deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery

Changes in spinal reflexes used post-operatively as a biomarker for optimized treatment from deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease.

Structural and Functional Brain Alterations in Response to Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia

MRI study of pre-treatment brain structure in patients undergoing surgery for trigeminal neuralgia

High Resolution Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of White Matter Tracts During Brain Surgery for Intra-axial Lesions

Assessment of Gait After Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease

A nation-wide prospective multi-centre study of external ventricular drainage accuracy, safety and related complications

MRI study of post-treatment brain structure following brain radiation for tumour

Assessing Lose-Shift Response in Parkinson's Disease

Effect of Battery Life on Functional Outcomes in Deep Brain Stimulation

Effects of intraoperative stimulation of white matter tracts on speech in patients with movement disorders

Bilateral reflexes in the face, arm, and leg in individuals with Parkinson's disease

A Patient-Centered Decision Making Algorithm for Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery in Parkinson's Disease


Dr. Souster (Co-Investigator)

The Incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at the Stollery Children's Hospital


Dr. Wheatley

Autoclaving the bone flap

Depth electrodes in epilepsy