Outreach Partners & Collaborators

WISEST works collaboratively with other STEM outreach organizations. As a founding member of both (formerly the Alberta Women’s Science Network) and (Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology), WISEST continues active participation with these organizations which includes serving on these organization’s boards. Promoting and sponsoring the leadership development program for early-career STEM professionals as well as membership in STAN (Science & Technology Awareness Network).

Pathways to STEM for Racialized Immigrant Girls

In collaboration with , with funding from , we are proud to have produced a program package specifically aimed at offering STEM opportunities to racialized immigrant girls. The program is called the Gender Equality Leadership Lab (GELL) and the package includes a facilitator manual, student workbook, program slides and orientation videos for any organization interested in implementing this program with the youth that they work with. If you are interested in accessing these resources, please connect with Kevwe Dabor at AHC (kevwe.dabor@a4hc.ca). 

Girl Guides of Alberta Collaboration 

In Fall 2020, we began a formal collaboration with the Girl Guides of Canada - Alberta Council. With a whole suite of STEM-related badges that the girls can earn, there was a clear alignment between WISEST’s ability to provide meaningful and impactful STEM programming to students and Girl Guide’s desire to offer these kinds of opportunities. With the support of an NSERC Promoscience Grant, we were able to connect with Cybermentor and Future Energy Systems to form a partnership to put together STEM-related activities. Stay tuned for more details coming Fall 2021.

Other initiatives that we support include the for Indigenous Students, , and Heritage Youth Researcher Summer Program (HYRS).