For Teachers

Teachers Conventions

WISEST participates in many regional teachers conferences and conventions, if you would like to have WISEST present professional development workshops that focus on promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in STEM disciplines in the classroom, contact us at

Teacher Appreciation Day

The success of our programs is in part thanks to the collaborations and relationships we maintain with teachers who encourage high school students to explore an education and career path in STEM. As a way to show our appreciation, we host an Annual Teacher Appreciation Day as part of our Summer Research Program Celebration of Research.

In addition to celebrating the encouraging efforts made by teachers, the day includes opportunities to explore research poster sessions by our SRP students, participate in professional development, and network with other educators. This celebration includes lunch and is free to all science, technology, and math high school teachers in Alberta. Information about this annual event is posted on WISEST social media channels and through our newsletter.

Conversation Cafes

WISEST is piloting a new program! 

Conversation Cafes are 60-minute conversations where students grade 6-12 are welcome to participate and talk about STEM, mentorship and more!

At a Conversation Cafe, there is no homework, no exams, just a space that helps to shift from small talk to BIG talk. Join WISEST as we enter into conversations about how mentorship in STEM can help support students in university and beyond.

An example of a café topic is "STEM is for Everyone." Panels include a staff member from WISEST and two volunteers ready to talk virtually or in-person about STEM careers and how to get there. We have created a lesson plan for junior high school teachers that can be tailored for any age group.

  • Delivers transformative experiences that invite a student’s exploration of their own STEM identity.
  • Leads narrative-shifting work that redefines who can thrive in STEM.
  • Creates inclusive spaces that are safe for, affirming of, and accessible to, people with different lived experiences and intersectional identity factors.

Heads up students! You can also be a part of an upcoming cafe without your teacher and class. Watch for updates on WISEST’s social media about topics and dates. 

We will host scheduled opportunities for students from September to June.

Teachers and counselors can contact or fill out our Google Form below to request a classroom experience.

Resources for Teachers

We’ve created some resources that some of your students may find helpful. Please share with anyone who might be interested.

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