Key Grant Application Deadlines
Deadlines + Internal Approval Procedures
The process for requesting approval of research grant applications is now managed through the Research Services Office’s (RSO’s) online approval system. To submit an application for review, log in to your Researcher Home Page using the Login Button on the RSO homepage and then click on “Create Application/Proposal/Project.” This provides usefully detailed instructions.
Please check the Faculty of Arts deadline for individual applications in the monthly Research Update.
Once a request is submitted, the automated system will request approval from all relevant individuals, including your co-applicants, Chair, Associate Dean (Research), and our Faculty’s Research Partner in the RSO.
Note that for SSHRC and some other applications, the Associate Dean (Research) may provide a ‘peer review’ during the approval process, but final approval to submit your application comes from the RSO.
Please note that approval is required before submitting most external and internal grant applications. This includes SSHRC and other Tri-Council applications, as well as internal applications to the Killam Research Fund and KIAS.
The Faculty of Arts deadline is 10 business days prior to the funder deadlines, with the exception of the SSHRC Insight Development Grant (IDG), which has a Faculty of Arts deadline of 12 business days prior to the Agency deadline.
If you have any questions about deadlines or application process, please contact the Arts Research Office at