Guide to Academic Requirements

Academic Advisement Reports (AA Reports) use each student's list of registered and in progress courses to summarize how the courses apply to that student's particular degree, and outline what requirements remain outstanding.

AA Reports are dynamic, meaning they'll change as you progress through your degree! As you change your registrations, you'll be able to review any resulting changes to your program requirements immediately.

Accessing Your Academic Advisement Report

  1. Head to your dashboard by logging in with your CCID and password.
  2. Click on the "Manage Classes" tile, and find the "Academic Requirements" button there.

This tool can be extremely useful when planning out your path towards convocation, especially in your upper years of study. Remember to check this report before registering for classes each Term to ensure that you're on the right track!

For more information about navigating Bear Tracks, many of the helpful tools there, and other reports available to you, read the .

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