Your Grades, GPA, and Academic Standing

Understanding your Grades

Your instructors assign letter grades which are expressed on a 4-point scale:



  1. If there is a number after your letter grade on your transcript that means there has been a “Remark” added. For more information see Grading System Explained.
  2. Some programs require minimum grades on certain courses to continue. These are listed in the Program Requirements sections of the .

What is GPA (Grade Point Average)?

The average of your grades is called your Grade Point Average, or GPA. You can find your GPA on your unofficial transcript in Bear Tracks, after all your grades have been submitted and approved, two to three weeks after your last final exam.  

You can calculate your GPA by using this equation: Your GPA = Total Grade Points ÷ Units Taken

GPA Calculator

Note: These numbers are not official. These calculators are provided for your convenience only.

An online tool to help you determine your unofficial, overall GPA.

Course grades used to calculate average GPA
Grade Credits

Your average GPA is:


This calculator helps you determine how well you need to do in future courses to meet your target GPA.

Ex: 2.3
Ex: 36

To reach your target GPA, you need this average GPA in your remaining courses:

An average of greater than 4.0 is not possible, so your target GPA of is also not possible.


John is starting the 4th year of a 4 year program, and wants to know what grades he needs for a graduating GPA of 3.0

John's current GPA is 2.8. He would put 2.8 in the "Current GPA" box.

Since John has completed 3 years, he has accumulated 90 credits (30 credits/year &times 3 years). However, the first 30 credits of a program are not used to calculate a graduating GPA, so John would only put 60 in the "Total credits of courses used to calculate Current GPA"

Since he wants a graduating GPA of 3.0, he would put 3.0 in the "Target GPA" box.

With one year left, John has 30 credits he can take, so he would put 30 in the "Total remaining credits" box.

The calculator would tell John he needs to get an average of 3.4 in his remaining courses to reach his target graduating GPA of 3.0

What is Academic Standing?

The term “academic standing” describes such matters as continuation in a program, promotion, and graduation. Students are admitted to the Faculty of Arts when they meet the required admission average. In order to stay in their program of choice and continue their studies, students are required to keep earning satisfactory grades to meet the required GPA for their program.

The page of the University Calendar tells you the GPA requirements for your Faculty of Arts program. The following programs also have course load requirements: BDes, BFA, & BMus. 

What is Academic Standing Assessment?

Your grade point average (GPA) is used to determine your academic standing. You will get the results of the assessment in late May or early June by email and in Bear Tracks for (Fall/Winter) enrollment and in February for Fall-only enrollment.

There are five Academic Standing categories: 

1. First Class Standing - Students may continue their studies and will receive a letter of congratulations from the Dean of Arts.
2. Satisfactory Standing - Students may continue their studies. 

Students in categories 3, 4, and 5 receive a personalized letter which explains their situation and describes their options for either continuing their studies or taking some time off from studies:

3. Satisfactory Standing, but may not continue in their current program
4. Marginal Standing = may continue on Academic Warning
5. Unsatisfactory Standing = Required to Withdraw (RTW) 


a. If you have final grades in fewer than 9 units in Fall/Winter and your program does not have minimum course load requirements, then your academic standing will be assessed at the end of the next Fall/Winter if you have final grades in 9 units or more.

b. If you have any pending deferred exams or IN (Incomplete) grades when the academic standing is assessed, you will be notified by email and your assessment will be done once all of your final grades have been approved.

If you have questions after reading your letter please contact Arts Undergraduate Student Services.