Augustana Choir

The Augustana Choir is our premiere, auditioned chamber choir, performing an exciting and eclectic range of a cappella choral music from renaissance chant to the latest in contemporary choral compositions. The choir, led by Dr. John Wiebe, is considered to be one of Western Canada's most successful undergraduate university choirs.

An active touring tradition has led The Augustana Choir to perform concerts for local, national, and international audiences: in January 2019 the choir toured Cuba; in May 2014 The Augustana Choir was honoured to accept an invitation to perform at PODIUM 2014 in Halifax, the national choral conference of Choral Canada; and in May 2012 the choir traveled to Hungary. The recording, Idegen orszagban: In a Foreign Land, is a live compilation recording that documents this extraordinary study and performance tour to Hungary.


Students who successfully audition for the The Augustana Choir, and who are eligible to receive student awards, will receive a choral scholarship from a total pool of $17,000.

Director: Dr. John Wiebe


Choral related fees can be paid though the .

The 2018-19 Augustana Choir