
Augustana is proud of its exceptional choir programs and rich choral history. From our auditioned chamber choir, The Augustana Choir, to our three student-community groups, our ensembles have provided exceptional learning and performance experiences since the early 1900s.


Choral music at Augustana is an exciting and integral part of our music program and our university community. Through the performance of quality, engaging and relevant music, our four performing ensembles provide a variety of fulfilling choral experiences: The Augustana Choir - our mixed-voice auditioned chamber choir; Sangkor - our student and community treble voice choir; Mannskor - our student and community changed voice choir; and SingAble - our university and community inclusion choir.

Our history of singing upholds a tradition of excellence that has enriched the lives of participants and audiences since the beginning of the twentieth century. Studies in choral music education are available at Augustana through comprehensive conducting, literature, and choral techniques courses. Our performance tradition is enhanced by the Augustana Chapel, a visually and acoustically beautiful space, housed in the Faith & Life Center.

Studying Choral Music:

AUMUS 235: Introduction to Conducting
AUMUS 236: Choral Techniques, Literature, and Interpretation
AUMUS 250 Introduction to Music Education
AUMUS 252 The Child Voice
AUMUS 351 Music Education II

All courses and descriptions can be found in the Academic Calendar.

Augustana Choral Library

The Augustana Choral Library has holdings of approximately 1500 choral titles. It is possible to borrow multiple copies of these titles at a nominal rental fee. Lenders must adhere to the Augustana Choral Lending Policy. Contact Dr. John Wiebe if you are interested in borrowing a title.


Choral related fees can be .