Yeo Jin Myung
Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting major, 2nd year
Course: CSL 100 (Winter 2023) with Instructor Jay Friesen
Who was your community partner and can you describe the project objectives?
My community partner was . The project objectives were to improve career education and economic development opportunities for all vulnerable young people, with a priority focus on addressing the under-representation of historically marginalized communities in STEM fields by removing existing barriers to participation and prosperity of youth from racialized and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities. My responsibilities within the placement were to help create social media posts such as weekly STEM fun facts and audit their website to enhance user-friendliness and engage the audience.
What was your biggest takeaway from your CSL placement?
I learned that this placement went far beyond just simply creating web content because I learned how we can come together to increase enrollment in the programs and pursue intersectionality. Furthermore, I learned how to engage in STEM fields by removing existing barriers to youth from racialized and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities.
How can you apply any newly gained knowledge/skills to your future endeavours (courses/employment/volunteering)?
I will apply my experience to real life by acknowledging that inequalities and oppressions such as marginalization exist and trying to address them. Moreover, continue with Skillcity and other community organizations because I want to help more young people in their transition to the workforce.