Driscoll & Knight's map of Edmonton and environs - WCW_M000085

Our History

Today, the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering has gained an international reputation for cutting-edge research and excellence in education:

  1. Reaction engineering and catalysis
  2. Surface and interfacial science
  3. Process systems engineering
  4. Materials and mineral processing
  5. Nano- and functional materials
  6. Biochemical and biomedical engineering

The Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering provides remarkable levels of support and resources for both researchers and students, including research funding, scholarships and awards, library and information systems, and access to state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and facilities. Together, our faculty, staff, students and researchers lead us into the future, finding innovative solutions for today’s most challenging problems.


1908 - The 海角社区 is founded, including 5 engineering students who study under the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
1920 - The Department of Mining Engineering is founded.
1921 - The first BSc in Mining Engineering is granted from the 海角社区.
1926 - The first course in Chemical Engineering is offered at the 海角社区.
1928 - The first BSc in Chemical Engineering is granted from the 海角社区.
1930 - The Department of Mining Engineering is renamed the Department of Mining and Metallurgy.
1945 - The first MSc in Chemical Engineering is granted from the 海角社区.
1946 - The Department of Chemical Engineering is founded.
1961 - The first PhD in Chemical Engineering is granted from the 海角社区.
1983 - The co-op learning program is introduced in the Faculty to give students the opportunity to blend real-world experience with academic learning in classroom and labs.
1985 - An undergraduate option in computer process control is introduced.
1996 - The Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering is formed through a merger of the Department of Chemical Engineering and elements of the Department of Mining Engineering.
2005 - The is established.
2008 - The 海角社区 celebrates its centennial.
2009 - The Canadian Centre for Welding and Joining is established.
2010 - The Canadian Centre for Clean Coal/Carbon and Mineral Processing Technologies (C5MPT) is established.