Research Excellence
One of the leading Chemical and Materials Engineering Departments in North America, we have strong external research funding from government and industrial sources. Our faculty hold many prestigious international and national awards as well as prestigious industry awards for innovation and contributions to the field.
To learn more about our chairs, professorships and fellowships, please visit the research section of our website.
- Dr. Janet A.W. Elliott
American Chemical Society Langmuir Lectureship Award
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellow
Arthur W. Rowe Best Paper Award
ASM Engineering Materials Achievement Award
Canadian National Committee for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (CNC-IUPAC) Travel Award
- Dr. Phillip Choi
MS&T Ceramographic Competition--Optical Microscopy
- Dr. John A. Nychka -- 1st Place (twice), 2nd Place (twice)
- Dr. Robert Burrell
National Science Foundation CAREER Award
- Dr. Patricio F. Mendez
Polymer Processing Society Morand Lambla Award
- Dr. Uttandaraman Sundararaj
Society for Cryobiology Fellow
South African Institute of Chemical Engineering Innovation Awards
- Dr. Arno de Klerk
- Dr. Michael Williams
Thomas Alva Edison Award
- Dr. Steven Kuznicki
Time Magazine Canada - Canadians who define the new frontiers of science
- Dr. Janet A.W. Elliott
TMS Young Learder Professional Development Award
- Dr. John A. Nychka
United States National Academy of Engineering foreign associate
World Union of Wound Healing Society Lifetime Achievement Award
- Dr. Robert Burrell
- Dr. Hyo-Jick Choi
Canadian Academy of Engineers Fellows
Canadian Academy of Health Fellows
Canadian Dam Association Published Paper Award of Excellence
- Dr. Janet A.W. Elliott
CIAR Young Explorer Prize
- Dr. Janet A.W. Elliott
Canadian Institute of Canada Fellow
- Dr. Hani Henein
- Dr. Sirish Shah
- Dr. Karl T. Chuang
- Dr. Jacob Masliyah
- Dr. Janet A.W. Elliott
- Dr. Murray Gray
- Dr. K. Nandakumar
- Dr. Sirish Shah
- Dr. Fraser Forbes
Engineers Canada Fellows
- Dr. John A. Nychka
Honorary Geoscientists Canada Fellows
- Dr. John A. Nychka
IEEE Fellows
- Dr. Kenneth Cadien
- Dr. Robert Burrell
- Dr. Hani Henein
Korean Federation of Science & Technology Science & Technology Excellence Award
- Dr. Hyo-Jick Choi
MEDEC Award for Medical Achievement
Meritorious Service Cross
Order of Canada
Royal Society of Canada Fellows
- Dr. Jacob Masliyah
University Industry Synergy Award, NSERC and Conference Board of Canada
- Dr. Robert Burrell
Alberta Ingenuity Scholarships
Alberta Order of Excellence
- Dr. Kenneth Cadien
- Dr. Steven Kuznicki
- Dr. David Mitlin
APEGA Summit Excellence in Education Award
- Dr. Lianne Lefsrud
APEGGA Centennial Leadership Award
- Dr. Murray Gray
APEGGA Early Accomplishment Award
- Dr. Suzanne Kresta
- Dr. Alan Nelson
APEGGA Frank Spragins Technical Award
- Dr. K. Nandakumar
- Dr. Murray Gray
ASTech Outstanding Achievement in Environmental Sustainability: Innovative Applications in Environmental Sustainability
- Dr. John A. Nychka
- Dr. David T. Lynch
ASTech Outstanding Leadership in Alberta Technology Award
- Dr. Robert Burrell
Syncrude/ASTech Innovation in Oil Sands Research Prize
- Dr. Murray Gray
- Dr. Jacob Masliyah
- Dr. Sirish Shah
CAFA Distinguished Academic Early Career Award
- Dr. Lianne Lefsrud
J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research
- Dr. Jacob Masliyah
Killam Professorship
- Dr. Jacob Masliyah
- Dr. Douglas Ivey
- Dr. Sirish Shah
- Dr. K. Nandakumar
- Dr. Murray Gray
- Dr. Karl T. Chuang
- Dr. Biao Huang
Martha Cook Piper Research Prize
- Dr. Janet AW Elliott
Petro-Canada Emerging Innovator Award
- Dr. Phillip Choi
- Dr. David Mitlin
- Dr. Janet A.W. Elliott
- Dr. Biao Huang
- Dr. Hongbo Zeng
海角社区 Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research Great Supervisor Award
- Dr. Janet A.W. Elliott