General Ledger Journal Entries (GLJE)
All university financial transactions (actuals) are posted to the General Ledger (GL). Each transaction is assigned a general ledger journal entry (GLJE) number. The majority of the GLJE's are created within PeopleSoft modules (e.g. Payroll, Accounts Payable, Travel and Expense, Billing). The remaining GLJE's are processed by specific units (e.g. Internal Sales, GLJE Requests).
For more information on the PeopleSoft modules, refer to Guide Chapter 3 Financial System.
For specific information on the GLJE Requests, refer to the General Ledger Journal Entry (GLJE) Requests Procedure.
General Ledger Journal Entries (GLJE) by Mask
The following is an alphabetical list of all GLJE masks (the first characters of the journal Id), the purpose of the transaction and contact information if you have any questions about a specific GLJE.
Please note: The use of "x" at the end of a mask (e.g. APx) denotes that the Accounts Payable (AP) module may generate more than one mask (e.g. APP, APV) to identify specific transactions within the module. However, for user purposes (and this list) the only distinction of note is that these transactions are from the AP module.
Mask | Processing Unit | Purpose | Contact |
ACR | FPP Financial Reporting | GLJE Request for accrual of services or products. | |
AMx | FPP Financial Reporting | Capital assets. | |
ANZ | FPP Financial Reporting | Capital asset amortization. | |
APx | Finance Services in Shared Services | Accounts payable (AP) payment of goods and services. | Visit the Staff Service Centre |
ARx | Finance Services in Shared Services | Accounts receivable (AR) | Visit the Staff Service Centre |
ASF | FO Campus Services | Rentals, common area, consulting, allocation of expense recoveries & revenue, asset/liability transactions, transfer to/from reserves. | |
BEN | FPP Financial Reporting | Employee future benefit liabilities. | |
BIL | Finance Services in Shared Services | External billings to customers. | Visit the Staff Service Centre |
BNK | FPP Financial Reporting | Point of sale fees, credit card merchant fees other banking related fees. | |
CAS | FPP Financial Reporting | Capital project funding transfers, mortgage funding, amortization, in-kind donations, gain/loss on disposals. | |
CAx | RSO Research Services Office | Revenue for sponsored research projects. | |
CCR | FO Campus & Community Recreation | Financial transactions for Campus and Community Recreation, such as external registrations processed by IntelliLeisure. | |
CER | Financial Services in Shared Services | Non-credit tuition revenue from CERegister | |
CFS | Finance Services in Shared Services | Self-assessment and remittance of Workers Compensation Board (WCB) fees for all payments made to Contractors without an active WCB account. | Visit the Staff Service Centre |
CLS | RSO Research Services Office | Close research projects and other adjustments that cannot be processed in the PS Contracts module. | |
CRC | PROV Office of the Provost | To move a portion of the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) salary expense.To claw back (where applicable) grant funds where base budget was provided. | |
CSH | Finance Services in Shared Services | Cashier department deposits. | Visit the Staff Service Centre |
DON | VPER Advancement Services | Donations and bequests received. | |
END | FPP Financial Reporting | Endowment spending allocation, capitalize 1st year spending allocation (per Spending Policy), endowment fair value. | |
EXx | Finance Services in Shared Services | Travel and expense claims. | Visit the Staff Service Centre |
FEE | Finance Services in Shared Services | Student tuition and fees that cannot be processed in PS Campus Solutions (CS). | Visit the Staff Service Centre |
FSK | FPP Financial Reporting | GLJE Request for specific transactions. | |
GAS | FPP Financial Reporting | Reclassifications between chart of accounts, GST self-assessment. | |
HRS | HRHSE | Salary and benefit accounting entries that cannot be processed in PS HCM such as payroll deductions, over payment recoveries and transfers for TEEF and TABS. | Visit the Staff Service Centre |
ICR | RSO Research Services Office | Indirect cost recovery on research projects, including those that cannot be processed in the PS Grants module. | |
INT | FPP Investments & Treasury | Interest allocations as per university policies. | |
INV | FPP Financial Reporting | Investment income. | |
JOB | FO Asset Work Management | Charges for repairs and maintenance, contract services, etc. on campus. | |
KSR | KSR Athletics and Recreation | Facility rentals and program fees. | |
LTD | FPP Investments & Treasury | Debt repayments (principal and interest). | |
PYx | Finance Services in Shared Services | Salary and benefits, salary and benefit adjustments. | Staff Service Centre |
PRK | CS Parking Services | Parking charges, repairs and maintenance of parking facilities. | |
RCL | RSO Research Services Office | Research project revenue corrections relating to incorrect coding of sponsor Id that cannot be corrected in PS Grants module. These transactions have net $0 impact to the research project. | |
RET | FPP Financial Reporting | Capital asset retirement. | |
RMS | FPP Risk Management & Insurance | Distribution of insurance proceeds for repairs or replacement costs and recovery of insurance deductibles. | |
RPB | FPP Resource Planning | Allocation of base/temp/carryforward budget amounts (43xxxx). | |
RSK | RSO Research Services Office | GLJE Request for specific research transactions. | |
RSO | RSO Research Services Office | Research project transactions that cannot be processed in the PS Contracts module and over expenditure chargebacks. | |
Internal sales | Sales/purchases of services and products between 海角社区 units.
See table below |
See table below |
SAO | RO Student Awards Office | Process top up allocations of scholarship, awards, medal and prizes for undergraduate students. | |
SAS | Finance Services in Shared Services | Tuition and fee revenue. | Visit the Staff Service Centre |
SSF | FO Asset Work Management | Insurance premiums, departmental admin fee and safety allocations. | |
UBG | FO UA Botanic Garden | Fees for Botanic Garden Services and Rentals | |
UT2 | FO Utilities | Process adjustment to cost of goods sold (COGS) relating to Off-Campus Utilities (e.g. power, gas electrical and Steam Turbine Generator gas to power utility). | |
VPA | PROV Office of the Provost | Allocate funds for International fee differential and revenue from Coursera. | |
Internal Sales
Sales/purchases of services and products between 海角社区 units
Journal ID is comprised of: SALE or SAL plus a unit ID plus a number.
Example: SALE ADC052
If you need to contact the processing unit, you would look up the unit ID in the list below - in this example " ADC"
Unit ID | Selling Unit | Purpose | Contact |
ADC | VPER | Advertising, printing costs. | |
ADI | MED AB Diabetes Research Inst | Supplies, sample analysis, shared facilities and equipment fees, lab support services. |
ADV | VPER Advancement Services | Ticket sales, ad sales, frames sales. | |
AFM | ALES Finance | Various products and services, printing costs, AFNS Stores. | |
ART | ART Dean of Arts | Arts Resource Centre, Timms Centre, Art Store, Arts units. | |
ATH | SS Athletics and Recreation | Medical supplies, training services, fitness testing. | |
AUG | AUG Administration General | Rentals, leases. | |
BCH | MED Biochemistry | DNA Synthesis Fees, NANUC Facility Fees. | |
BKS | CS Bookstore | Bookstore (books, merchandise). | |
BSC | SCI Biological Sciences | BIOSCI stores, MBSU facility, BIOTRON, fabrication/ instrumentation workshops, printing, photocopying. |
BST | Procurement Biochemistry Stores | Biochemistry Stores | |
BUS | BUS Alumni and Events | Business store, room rental, printing, photocopy, telephone charges. | |
CHE | SCI Chemistry | Chemistry Shops, Labs and Stores supplies and services. | |
CSJ | Campus Saint-Jean | Process sales related to CSJ-EDL (Ecole de langues) - French language tutoring offered to 海角社区 employees |
CTL | PROV Office of the Provost | Revenue for Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Services | |
DEN | MED Dentistry | Dental lab supplies, services and analysis; Dentistry store; office supplies. | |
DOM | MED Dept of Medicine | Lab supplies, biological specimens, sample analysis, office supplies, services. | |
DST | Finance Services in Shared Services | Metered mail charges for off campus mail. |
EAS | SCI Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Sample analysis services, photocopy, office supplies. | |
EDU | EDU Education Tech Services | Education technology services, rentals. | |
ENG | ENG Engineering | Internal billing for Machine Shop supplies and services, Lab supplies and services, Nanofab Lab usage, license fee, computing support and IT services printing and copying, sample analysis, shared facility and equipment usage. Note: prior to April 2020, these transactions used the CME, ECE or MEC unit IDs. | |
FOM | MED Dean Administration | Lab supplies, services, analysis, biological specimens, shared facilities and equipment, office supplies. | |
FSK | FPP Financial Reporting | GLJE request for internal sales transactions. | |
FWS | MED FOMD Cores & Workshop | Billings for the FoMD Cores and Faculty workshop. | |
HRS | HRHSE | HRS programs such as staff learning and development opportunities. | |
HSC | HSC Health Sciences Council | Services provided by Health Sciences Education Research Commons (HSERC), administration of the Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA), photocopy, supplies, materials. | |
IST | IST Client Services | IST services and products. | |
LAS | MED Health Sciences Lab Animal Services | Various products and services provided by Health Sciences Lab Animal Service (HSLAS). |
LDS | MED Learning Design Studio | Services provided by the LDS Office for various FoMD departments. | |
LIB | LS Library Financial Systems and Analysis | Used books. | |
LKS | Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology | Containment Level 3 (CL3) Facility user fees and LKSIoV Histology Services. | |
LMP | MED Laboratory Medicine & Pathology | Sales for Core Pathology Services. | |
LSV | LS Learning Services | Staff training and development, and copyright permissions for course packs. | |
MBS | MED Basic Sciences | Sales for Services provided by FoMD basic science departments such as animal housing costs & MRI Services. | |
MIT | MED MEDIT | IT support, supplies including hardware and software. | |
MMI | MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Multi-level services provided to researchers including cell imaging services and data analysis. | |
NSC | NU Nursing | Registration workshops, HRDR services, library services, computer services. | |
OCE | OCE Online and Continuing Education | ELS instruction services, photocopy, rentals. | |
ONC | MED Oncology | Multi-level services provided to researchers such as access to specialized equipment and data analysis. | |
ONE | CS ONEcard Print | Departmental cards, access cards, meal plan commissions and rentals, print revenue, laundry revenue for H&FS, repairs and maintenance. | |
OOR | MED Office of Research | Internal sales for services provided by OoR, Core Facilites and various FoMD Institutes. | |
PDO | KSR Faculty Affairs | Merchandise, services, maintenance and repairs, facility rental. Lab Fitness testing, fees, supplies, VVC membership fees. | |
PED | MED Pediatrics | Sales for services provided by the Department of Pediatrics. | |
PHY | SCI Physics | Machine Shop charges, Transmission Electronic Microscope (TEM) session time, tech support charge, miscellaneous lab/conference/workshop charges. | |
PRK | CS Parking Services | Parking permits-staff, students, visitors, special events; Kiosk sales, parking coupons, fines (indents), allocation of external revenue. | |
PSC | PHAR Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and other sales. |
PSS | SCI Psychology Science | Psychology Shop charges, printing supplies, office and photocopy supplies, computing supplies (hardware and software). | |
PVI | FO Transportation Services | Vehicle rental, fuel and maintenance charges. | |
RAD | MED Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging | Fees generated from CT & MRI Scans. | |
REM | REHAB Rehabilitation Medicine | Professional services, physio treatment, public speaking workshops, lecture services, consulting services, screening appraisals. | |
RMS | FPP Risk Management & Insurance | To process internal sales for Risk Management & Insurance liquor license applications. | |
SUR | MED Surgery & Anatomy & SMRI | Fees charged for: Education Camps, Clinical Trials, use of labs & operating rooms, surgeries, supplies & disposals, various lab sessions and courses and animal ethics training. | |
SSS | SCI Dean's Office | Science Supports and Services | |
STC | SS Dean of Students | Fees for student support services, such as workshops, consultations, registration, and other. Medical form fees, such as driver's license and physical exam. | |
STR | SMS Distribution Operations | Storage rental fees. | |
TLS | AUG Tech and Learning Services | Technology and Learning Services (TLS), printing, photocopy, phone charges and equipment rental, electronic supplies & services, audio visual aids & services, computing site licenses, equipment < $5000. | |
TMS | IST Telephones | Current month rent and prior month long distance charges. | |
TOS | SMS Distribution Operations | Delivery and messenger service charges. | |
UTL | FO Utilities | Charges for domestic water, gas, electricity, steam and chilled water. | |
VEH | AUG Administration General | Vehicle rentals and leases. | |
WCH | MED Women and Children's Health Research Institute (WCHRI) | Multi-level multidisciplinary professional services provided to researchers, consulting services, data analysis. | |
Legend of selling units
ALES - Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
ART - Arts
AUG - Augustana
BUS - Business
CS - Campus Services
CSJ - Campus Saint-Jean
EDU - Education
ENG - Engineering
FO - Facilities and Operations (VP-USOF)
FPP - Finance, Procurement and Planning
HRHSE - Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment
HSC - Health Sciences Council (Provost)
IST - Information Services and Technology
KSR - Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation
LKS - Medicine and Dentistry
LS - Learning Services (Provost)
MED - Medicine and Dentistry
NU - Nursing VP University Relations
OCE - Online and Continuing Education
PHAR - Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
REHAB - Rehabilitation Medicine
RO - Office of the Registrar
RMS - Risk Management Services
SCI - Science
SMS - Supply Management Services
SS - Student Services (Dean of Students)
VPER - Vice President External Relations