Frequently Asked Questions

There are several initial steps to set up and manage your uPlan account. This assumes that you have already completed your security access form and submitted it for approval.

If you have yet to complete this step, please fill out the form found  and have it signed by your Senior Financial Officer.

Please click the above header or click  for the initial steps of setting up your uPlan account.

There are several different methods of logging in to uPlan, and this Knowledge Based Article may be helpful for any users who may be having difficulty getting access to uPlan.

Feel free to submit a ticket if you continue to have issues accessing uPlan.

Please see the knowledge based article by clicking the above header or using the link 

Many of the e-mails from Oracle will have links that re-direct you to the Oracle "My Service" Dashboard, which has some tools that are explained in the Knowledge Based Article.

The dashboard can be overwhelming for new users, and we highly recommend using the direct link for accessing uPlan.

If you do end up in the Oracle "My Service" Dashboard, there are several options for managing your account that are referenced in other articles.

Please click the above header or click  for more details on the functions available in the Oracle "My Service" Dashboard and links that explain how to use them.

There are various methods and steps required to reset your uPlan passwords.

If your password has already expired, the same methods will still apply but there may be additional steps.

Please see the  for steps to reset your password after it has already expired.

Otherwise submit a ticket if you are having any problems or difficulties resetting your password.

If your password is already expired, you may receive an email from Oracle that will re-direct you to the Oracle "My Service" dashboard.

You will be able to reset your password through the Oracle "My Service" dashboard, but it requires a few additional steps.

Please click the above header or click  for details on resetting your password if it has already expired and you are using the link provided by the email.

Otherwise, submit a ticket if you are having any problems or difficulties resetting your password.

The following knowledge based article covers different methods of bookmarking or saving the uPlan weblink to your favorite pages. These methods will ensure that you should be able to access the web page simply by using your bookmarks.

Please see the knowledge based article if you are having trouble accessing uPlan through your book marks by clicking the above header or clicking 

The following knowledge based article explains the basics on navigating through different chart field intersections. Users who are having difficulties seeing their expected data in a specific chart field intersection or trouble changing chart field intersections should review this knowledge based article.

Please see the knowledge based article by clicking the above header or using the link .

Depending on the time of the month and the system maintenance cycle, certain clusters may not be available or visible.If you're experiencing missing cards and clusters, please be sure to consult the uPlan calendar on the resource planning web page.

If certain cards or clusters that should be available are not visible for you, please continue to submit a ticket.

See the following knowledge based article for an example by clicking the above header or the link 

Access to specific departments and programs is manually assigned based on your uPlan security access form. If you cannot access the departments and programs that you expected to have access to, please review your security access form and ensure the correct departmental access was requested.

If your security access needs to be modified or revised, please send us a new security form by submitting a new form.

If the security access form looks correct, feel free to  to the uPlan team.

Please see the knowledge based article by clicking the above header or clicking  for more details and examples.

If your uPlan form seems to be missing grid cells or blocks and if your form is completely blank but should have data, please see the following knowledge based article. This issue is more likely to occur while using uPlan salary functions.

Please see the knowledge based article by clicking the above header or using the link 

Updating Statement of Operations to reflect salary changes

Adjustments made in the salary forms are not automatically reflected in the Statement of Operations immediately.

In order for the changes to be reflected immediately, the salary information needs to be manually pushed to the Statement of Operations.

Please see the Knowledge Based Article by clicking the above header or by clicking .

If the cell color is not white and does not allow for user input, the cell is considered read-only. The following Knowledge Based Article details some of the reasons that may explain why the budget column may be read-only.

If you are unable to enter budget amounts and it appears that the budget cells are read-only, please see the following Knowledge Based Article by clicking the above header or by clicking .