Travel policy FAQs
1. To whom does the Off-Campus Activity and Travel Policy apply?
The policy applies to all 海角社区 staff and students when participating in off-campus activities or travel organized by members of a 海角社区 Faculty, Department, or Administrative Unit. 海角社区 Registered Student Group members organizing off-campus activity can go directly to BearsDen.2. Is there a central registration system to inform the appropriate faculty/department/unit of my travel plans?
The University has a central, secure, web-based system to capture this important information. The system is called UGo. You can access UGo at The University encourages all travellers to register using UGo for trips outside of Alberta so assistance can be rendered more quickly in the event of an emergency.3. I take students to the same location each summer to conduct similar research. Do I have to go through this risk assessment every time?
Yes. Your safety is a priority. Conditions for travel and hazards that may exist from your work can change very quickly. You must complete this process each and every time.
It is strongly advised that all faculty, staff, and students register with UGo every time they travel outside of Alberta.
4. I am a student and a staff member. How does the policy apply to me?
If your status as a staff member is related to your status as a student (eg: summer student, undergrad research assistant) then you would be considered a student for the purposes of this policy.
If your status as a staff member is not related to your status as a student (eg: administration staff obtaining a degree), then you would be considered staff when travelling for your job and a student when travelling for your studies.
5. Where can I get help with meeting the requirements of the policy and procedure?
There are several offices and resources available to help you:
6. Can faculty, staff, and postdoctoral fellows be prevented from travelling or called back from travel?
The appropriate chair, dean or vice-president may recommend cancelling an activity if the risk appears to be unacceptable. The appropriate vice-president may also recommend return from an area that is rendered unsafe by such things as natural disaster or violence.7. Can students be prevented from travelling or called back from travel?
Yes. If an appropriate chair, dean or vice president believes the risks are too high and cannot be reasonably managed, they can cancel the off-campus activity and travel. The appropriate vice-president may also require that a student return from an area that is rendered unsafe by such things as natural disaster or political turmoil. In that event, the University will help the student leave the unsafe area. Should a student refuse, it will be considered "personal travel" and the University will no longer be able to provide assistance.8. How will my emergency contact information be protected?
Personal information is protected under the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Emergency contact information is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The policy applies to all University staff and students when participating in off-campus activities or travel. Emergency contact information is collected for use only in the case of an emergency to contact the designated individual. Appropriate university officials, and, in the case of student travel, the leader of the off-campus activity and travel, will have access to this information. Unless it is needed, the information will be kept in a secure location.