5.17 Readmission

Refer to in the Calendar

For further information on Readmission, including guidelines on knowledge currency, refer to Policy Updates on the GPS website.

It is recommended that the department consider the following details before readmitting a student:

  • Why did the applicant abandon the program? Has the applicant been active in the same field? Can the applicant's knowledge of the field be considered to be current?
  • Is the thesis/project completed?
  • Are all courses previously completed relevant at present? Will the applicant be required to complete additional coursework?
  • If the applicant has passed the candidacy examination, does the department feel that the examination is still relevant, or will it be necessary for the applicant to re-take the candidacy or some substitute examination?
  • When is the applicant expected to convocate?
  • Does the applicant also require an extension to the original admission date? If so, the department should deal with this matter at the time of readmission (see in the Calendar). Time limits for completion of program requirements for graduate degrees and postgraduate diplomas are calculated from the time the student first registers in that program (see in the Calendar).