Civility + Respect

Everyone has a story written on a post it note

Our Goal

Civility and respect are shared norms in our work and learning environment. All interactions within our community are respectful, and people are treated with dignity and consideration. We ensure collegiality and inclusion, while encouraging healthy exchange of ideas and perspectives.

  • The community is committed to building the esteem of its members through a culture of dignity for all persons.
  • Individuals are committed to engaging in respectful interactions and participating in processes (either formal or informal) to heal/reduce situations of conflict (e.g. restorative or reconciliatory processes).
  • Individuals are held accountable and afforded the opportunity to remedy their behaviour when actions are not respectful.

Proposed definitions

It is a good practice for work groups to have conversations and come to shared understandings of terms such as civility and respect and how they show up in the workplace. Below are some suggestions as a starting point:

Civility is “the behaviours that help to preserve the norms for mutual respect in the workplace. Civility reflects concern for others” and is usually demonstrated through manners, courtesy, politeness, and a general awareness of the rights, wishes, concerns, and feelings of others.

Respect is “an active process that integrates personal, group, and institutional behaviours geared towards acknowledging and valuing [differences]”. The Cambridge Dictionary defines respect in terms of honour and care for others, and behaving in ways that do not cause offense.

Learn about the National Standard – Civility and Respect

Call to Action

Supervisors, managers and leaders are committed to taking measures to address conflict in a fair, equitable and timely manner that promotes workplace justice.

All individuals will take measures to address disagreements, conflicts, and impacts of their behaviours, and create pathways to establish positive working relationships.

All individuals strive for fairness and contribute to an atmosphere of respect and inclusiveness.

This will be achieved through:

  • Opportunities for ongoing learning and development for all levels of the organization.
  • Ensuring that respect is a value that permeates policies and procedures.
  • Members of faculties, departments and staff associations actively working together to embody a culture of respect.
  • Mechanisms to address the impacts of uncivil and disrespectful behaviours.

Institutional resources include but are not limited to:

For additional resources and learning opportunities related to this risk factor check out our support inventory.

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