Clear Leadership + Expectations

stack of books on coaching and team

Our Goal

A community with a shared understanding of the goals and directions of the institution, with leaders who set clear expectations within a supportive environment.

This will be achieved through (Edmondson, A. The Fearless Organization): 

  • Setting the stage: Frame the work by setting expectations and purpose.
  • Inviting participation: Demonstrate humility, practice inquiry, and set up structures and processes that create opportunities for people to have their voices heard.
  • Responding productively: Express appreciation, destigmatize failure and mistakes by creating opportunities to learn from them, and hold people accountable for behaviour that does not align to agreed-upon values and norms.

Learn about the National Standard – Clear Leadership and Expectations

Call to Action

The institution defines leadership as a mindset, heartset and skillset that is not tied to positional authority, and provides development opportunities for leaders at all levels of the organization. 

Departments and faculties have the opportunity to identify their own goals and expectations in alignment with the university vision, values and priorities.

Leaders foster a civil and safe environment by ensuring that timely and appropriate feedback is given, while honouring individual strengths and aptitudes. Leaders recognize that they are responsible for the work environment and culture of their teams, and that their actions can increase morale, trust and cohesiveness of working groups.

A positive work culture is created by regular communication of expectations through town halls, strategic planning, meetings, and a variety of modes of communication, where leaders model desired behaviours.

Faculties and departments clearly communicate about upcoming changes in a timely manner, the rationale for changes, and expected outcomes. Leaders provides opportunities for individual team members to reach clarity on how they contribute to strategies and goals. 

This will be achieved through the following:

  • Investing in leadership at all levels of the organization to lead from within.
  • Viewing mistakes as opportunities for continued growth.
  • Addressing challenges, issues and concerns, to provide support for the development of resiliency.
  • Providing opportunities for faculty and staff to participate in setting expectations regarding job responsibility and roles.

Institutional resources include but are not limited to:

  • Leaders Workshop: Maintaining Healthy Relationships with Staff (EFAP).
  • Leadership development opportunities such as Gold College, Facilitative Leadership, Supervisory Leadership.
  • Leadership Coaching (EFAP).

For additional resources and learning opportunities related to this risk factor check out our support inventory.

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